More Than Just: Conversations with Misfits, Entrepreneurs and Change-makers

More Than Just a Podcast Host — Mel McSherry

Mel McSherry Season 1 Episode 1

Welcome to the very first episode of More Than Just! This week, join host Mel McSherry as she explores the titles and descriptors that have caged her in and freed her throughout her life. 

From daughter to woman to mom to Christian to nonbinary woman to podcast host – Mel shares how she is more than just one or all of these things. She even tells some never-before-heard stories along the way.

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Music. Just I'm your host Mel mcsherry on this podcast we share how we are more than just descriptors and titles that identify us and our lives our businesses and our. In the safe common room space you'll hear stories of success and Lessons Learned From Myself and other Misfits entrepreneurs and change makers my intention is to inform connect and expand our knowledge, so we can be mentally emotionally and financially. As we create the change we desire my promise is that from each episode you'll take away not only inspiration and a connection to someone you never knew before, but also the encouragement the action steps and the support so you can create what you want. Music. Hello everyone welcome to the very first episode of our very first season of more than just Mel mcsherry here and I'm going to let you know that we are kicking things off with a little bit different style of an episode than what you will get familiar with as we continue on throughout the season and the reason why it's different is because it's just me, every episode this season so far is me spending time and sharing space with some, a Piggly a phenomenal humans who have shared some very beautiful and authentic and, deep conversations about how they are more than just a title or descriptor, that has followed them inside of their lives their businesses in their communities, and I purposely films films recorded taped like that ages me when I say taped this episode because I wanted to make sure that I started off this season, by doing them Justice and by setting not only you up but also them up for. Success because let me tell you these stories that I have heard are ones that I know for damn sure, wouldn't hardly ever be shared especially in a space like this and that is why I decided to start this podcast because so often we get pigeonholed or honed in or quote-unquote Niche down, into something that is just one piece of us and in this day and age of, expansion and evolution and, fuckery we deserve more than that we desire more than that, we desire connectivity we desire intimacy which there is a great episode where we talk deeper about what intimacy can be and is, and. That's how in my belief we really can create the change that we want that's how we start. Movements is by listening to each other and learning from each other and then applying, what we have learned to make those shifts in our actions and our speech in our businesses all of the things so, with that said this episode you will hear more from my story, so you'll know who the hell I am and how I am more than just a podcast host. So the intention around this podcast is all about titles and identifiers and, of course there is a personal reason why I wanted to pursue that theme, and that's because titles and descriptors have been my lifeline and my nemesis for. Almost my entire life and I at the time of this taping I'm 40 years old and I will say really discovering myself for the first time in Freely discovering myself without any sort of. Traditional expectation, right so let's start from the beginning titles in the beginning for me were helpful, because I growing up was very shy very insecure and when I had a title, that to me was comforting because it helped me understand how I needed or who I needed to be in a room, I have two amazing parents they are still together to this day, I believe 45 years of marriage I had an older brother we have your stereotypical quote-unquote perfect. White family my parents have had an amazing relationship I have a very loving close family my mom and I don't go any longer than about a week without talking to each other, and any longer than about three months without seeing each other except for you know that whole lockdown business, I grew up in a very religious household with the religion Seventh Day Adventist, and the first title that I remember is being Tom and Lee's daughter my parents still to this day are but especially when I was growing up are very active in the church, I'm almost a teacher at the Christian School my dad was you know School Board president and have Deacon and we are all musically talented so there would be many a church services where you know my, my dad will play piano my my brother play piano my dad mom and I was saying I've used to call us the mini Von Trapp family, so we were very recognized and the church that we went to in Arizona and. I remember having to really watch. All of my actions how I dressed how I spoke because that was instant reflection on my parents and if I stepped out of line my parents would. Would get the are full right I never actually the first time I was allowed Ashley before I was allowed to dye my hair at the age of 12 I was allowed to have to get my ears pierced jewelry is not a big thing in The Seventh-Day Adventist Church it is now but I grew up in a very Reformed Church or close the Reformed Church and I got my ears pierced and, people from the church came up to my parents were like oh we see Melissa has some jewelry on first time I dyed my hair the first time I wear skorts oh man I wore squirts again aging myself to church and. My parents had got a talk from somebody and the church which then led to them having to talk to me about really watching how I dress. And so that was kind of my first introduction to titles and I tried to Rebel but that also really made me want to. Live up to these expectations right I want to make my parents proud I didn't want to make their life harder and that pieces of that followed me in a lot of my relationships especially when it came to me molding myself too. Make somebody feel better or make somebody feel more important or seen or heard so on and so forth. So that's the first title that really took me a good minute to. Grow out of obviously leading my parents house when I was 18 becoming theater major getting the tattoos and piercings and all nine yards definitely helped but that really shaped my connectivity to titles, I mentioned earlier that the stories that my guests have shared and will share on this season are ones that I know for sure are not typically heard, nor have had the space to be, heard a connected to and they are vulnerable I mean we talk about relationships with their parents we talked about sexuality we talked about, breaking cultural gender Norms we talked about you know for several of my guests who are in the black and brown community. They're their connection with that and their experiences inside of that community in certain situations. And so I'm going to honor them by sharing things that I know for sure not all of people have heard, so the friends and family who are hearing this episode definitely feel free to contact me with any questions but we're going to go there because, not only does my story deserve to be heard so does me honoring and amplifying the vulnerability and the authenticity that has that will be shared throughout this season. So the next title that up until this year. Has been an interesting relationship with is. My assigned gender of the in a female I can remember from a very young age. Trying so hard. To fit in as a girl and I can also remember trying very hard to fit in as a boy. The first story that comes to mind with the ladder is I grew up with an older brother and three older boy cousins there weren't a lot of girls in my family until later in life. And so I hung with the boys right and we grew up at this point in the story we were in Colorado so I was born in Colorado moved to Arizona when I was seven, then I've been bouncing around ever since I'm now currently in Chicago but in Chicago 15 years I will probably be here till the day I die any Hooter. This story takes place in Colorado so I had to been about five or six and I remember my brother played in a cul-de-sac and playing a baseball, with the boys in the cul-de-sac and it was hot and they all have their shirts off and so I took my shirt off. Because I wanted to play I wanted you know I wanted to be they all did it so I was like yeah he'll take my shirt off and remember my mom coming outside and tell me to put my shirt back on because I was a girl and I don't do those things. And I really remember just being so confused by that because with our shirts off at this time of age you know five six seven at the boys are probably eight or nine, we all looked the same and it full transparency for the most part I still look like from the top of a nine-year-old boy, I remember just being so confused because we all looked the same so why couldn't I take my shirt off so she told me to put it back on I put it back on she went back to the house. I would probably say about 10 seconds later I took off my shirt and I hit it. In the small neighborhood that I grew up in we used to have milk delivered again aging me and we so we had a milk crate delivery milk crate in front of our front door and I remember taking off my shirt and throw it in the milk crate and closing the door thinking and fast alt it, and lo and behold two minutes later my mom called me and pulled me inside ask me where my shirt is of and I had to stay inside the rest of the time so me always growing up wanting to be. Accepted by the boys right I wanted to be equal with the boys all of that now let's move ahead to the ages of 10 11 and 12. A lot of my friends that were girls started to develop talk of you know sex and relationships and boyfriends and all of that started happening. And again I was slightly. I don't want to say confused I was definitely naive especially when it came to the sexuality part of it granted part of that was growing up in a Seventh-Day Adventist Church where. Sexuality was not talked about our sex ed class was just about our periods we had no conversation of where babies came from her birth control or anything it was just this is you know what you have that makes babies and this is what happens but they started you know my friends around me started developing and. They got you know more curvaceous and more feminine and I just got taller I went from 55 to 6 foot from the between the ages of 11 and 14. And I remember just wanting to Fashion myself and just also be recognized as. As a girl as a woman I wanted to get the attraction of men. Honestly because I thought that's what then would validate me as a female. And I did all the things I wore the dresses I did the makeup and the one thing that really was kind of my first struggle. And this was a struggle for a long time was how I was built, I am 6 feet tall I am small breasted and all of my friends where 55 56, and you know size B C D boobs and they were instantly. No and I was an enigma I felt like not only that but because of the way that I am built people think I mean I am an athletically built person, back then I was you know a string bang people thought I was smaller in size that I was this is the days of Ally McBeal right we're size zero was like the new thing like oh my God we're carrying a size zero. Even at my thinnest which p.s. I did not get their health lie I could squeeze into a size 6. The fact that for my almost entire life and to this day I am a size 10 12 or 14. That was heartbreaking to me I remember sitting in dressing rooms at the 579 store if you guys remember that that store sobbing. Because I was a size 13 and nobody had anything in my size. On the flip ends when I would try to wear the things that would identify me as female. And them not to me looking correctly because I didn't have the you know the shape of a woman. You really fucked me up for a while I will say that for sure. And so these kind of these two themes together these two identifiers are these two titles together one of you know. Wanting when somebody gave me a title that was connected to somebody else so I knew how to act and knew how to be a new how to support that was something that follow me along with the fact of. Constantly trying to be feminine and that mood actually into. This constant internal Battle of masculine and feminine. And so moving that ahead probably the next title that you know threw me for a tailspin was the title of mom, I am now primary caregiver to an amazing boy who is autistic. And I was one of the first women in my group here in Chicago to have a baby I was 30 when I have him and. I thought that I was my life was going to change my girlfriends were so you know going to be around and I was talking to be invited to things I just happen to have this you know little thing that came out of me, when really what happened was. One postpartum depression which I really didn't know was the thing I knew was a thing that I didn't know that's what. With me at that time and then to my girlfriend's now prescribing me this title of mom and now moving me into this category that I. And not one of them because they were all single and only one at the time also had a child, and it was this weird dynamic of well wait I'm still the same person I just happen to have this little thing that came out of me so now why of a sudden our people movie me under this category, so then I struggle with that will then how do I be a bomb what does that mean how do I mold myself right into this title of mom and I never really felt I felt fit that title well until recently, so my whole life has been. This struggle this journey through who I am and who I. I really am and that started to reveal itself about 8 years ago. And that spark really was the start. This self-discovery that included asking for divorce from my good marriage. I talked a lot about that in my book she profits I'm an author by the way that's another little facet of mine so I'm not going to delve too much deeper into that except for the fact that. It was a good marriage my ex-husband is a good guy we are really good friends we are great co-parents, at the time of this taping he is an amazing relationship with a woman that is a good friend of mine that I loved to Pieces but again it was this like. Goal of you know I had this example of I you know as a white woman you'd be married by a certain age have the 2.5 kids have a happy marriage, I thought I was being a rebel by getting married quote unquote later in life at the age The Ripe old age of 28 having a baby older quote unquote at the ripe old age of 30 I thought I was I was doing it brights and when my now ex-husband, told me he didn't want to have a second baby that was the first time I went. That was the plan and I realized that I had always for the most part. There's those those sort of those little facets of real need that pops through that helps me make certain decisions that were amazing certain choices that were fantastic, but for the most part my main theme in life was to be your typical. White Suburban. Mom with a little bit of a Twist and a little bit of a Twist was I probably would never move to the suburbs and I have piercings and tattoos and I curse so when he told me he did want to have the second child. I realized that I was banking a lot on that and. With that and this new community that I was being a part of in the health and fitness industry which was my first business as an entrepreneur I started doing some personal development. And that continued that just kind of fanned the Flames into. This roller coaster yet fantastic journey of self-discovery. And let me tell you it's so interesting when you really take the time to sit with yourself and to examine yourself and to, do that in a space that is nontraditional I have been seeing a therapist on and off since I was 13 she's amazing love her to pieces. Therapy is clutch. Aunt I had an amazing business Mentor when I first moved into the coaching space again phenomenal traditional, did Good Deeds however the support and the resources that utilize that really. Pushed me ahead were the ones that were outside of the norm so one of those were two spiritual coaches that I worked with for two years and the other one. She might not even know this yet and the other one came in the form of my friend VP when I was a part of her inclusive entrepreneur course. And I'm saying that because. You will hear a theme throughout a lot of these episodes and that The Miz though the traditional resources have their place. The true growth comes when you customize when you go two spaces that. Art widely talked about or widely known. So if you are in a space right now we are just like stuck or whatever and the normal quote unquote or the traditional quote unquote things aren't working, do not be afraid to go outside the norm one of the episodes is with phenomenal to Zuma Pairs and, she talks about follow your curiosity. We get so inundated with everything that we think we need to do right social media shouts it to us the news shouts it to us our friends and family shout it to us, it's very easy to get maneuvered into decisions because they're typical or they're known or you know they're comfortable. It's when you start following your curiosity and go into those spaces that aren't comfortable, is where that growth really comes from that next level growth right. So I started working with two amazing coaches I started dabbling in my spiritual practices in 2017. Started with meditation I had been away from the church for a while. That's a long story but long story short first left the Seventh-day Adventist Church at 13 when a member of the church who was gay I wanted our pastor to marry or have a civil ceremony or commitment ceremony because this was you know 1994. And my pastor who I loved to Pieces said yes and the church through wish it fit, and I remember being in, Sabbath school which is the time that kids you know learn about God before the main church service getting in a screaming match with a boy, I want to I still know his full name isn't it weird the names you remember I won't say cuz I he doesn't need to be called out because I don't know what he's like today but I remember screaming getting that up a screaming match with a boy in my Sabbath School, because he was trying to convince me that being gay was the exact same thing as being a murderer in God's eyes and I was just floored, so that time I decided to take a break from the church and I'm very grateful that my parents were very supportive of that, fast forward to when I lived in Seattle I reconnected to the church as a church called Anchor Point it was a Seventh-Day Adventist based church but it was a church plant which means, that they actually just wanted it to be more of an open Community for people just to come and worship they didn't push any of these Seventh-day Adventist to Jumba they just had certain things that we talked about like, Seventh-day Adventist Church on Saturday you know most of us were vegetarian order raised vegetarian up until 35. And so on and so forth but I loved it because it was comfortable you could come as you are literally like nobody cared to be worse courts don't know he was wearing skirts in 2002 but you know they just they just wanted you to be there. And I felt connected there and I loved it and I ended up being, big member in that church I was one of the lead singers of their band we traveled for a long time and then long story short, my associate pastor who was married to somebody and who was female and married to somebody and our head Pastor who was male and married to somebody else ended up having an affair it's actually really cute story because. They didn't pursue it I mean something happens after they admitted to the church and to the conference they actually went their separate ways, but beautifully reconnected they are now married they've been married I think now for like 15 years and they're so stinking cute it's ridiculous, hey friend like in the episode Pretty epic isn't it. Well guess what this episode and all others have been made possible by financial support and contributions from listeners like. So if you would like to continuously here how these epic humans are more than just go ahead and head over to our GoFundMe and make a contribution cool, all right let's get back to the magic what turned me off from religion again organized religion is, the church for the most part for gay though because they are fucking human however the conference which is the, higher-ups in the sub family's Church completely erased them from the books and yes that is an actual term erased them from the books. Banned him from something on his churches and gave us new pastors and pretended like it just nothing ever happens, it was never talked about it again and that was like no, so that was my final nail in the coffin with organized religion for now but I knew that there was a connection there right I knew there was a higher power. I know what I felt when I was in a ghetto and a magical spiritual Godly space and connected to that source and I missed that so that's word 2017 I decided I wanted to learn how to meditate. And magically literally magically this woman slid into my DMs on Instagram I did not know who she was and she just goes I don't know I know you don't know who I am and I really don't know who you are however, I felt called to let you know that I am running a six-month meditation Mastermind would you like more information and this was a shit you not like two weeks after I posted this on my keyboard. And I was like abso-fucking-lutely we have done a phone call and a couple weeks later I was in the six-month Mastermind with my coach Elise and two other amazing women it was a phenomenal beautiful. Experience and definitely the Gateway drug into my no Journey but it was those little non-traditional things that started to show me that there was more than just those stereotypical steps to create what you want and to do it in a way that is truly yours but if you don't know who you truly are then how you truly want to do it is up for, debate right it's up for grabs from others and so, with these new spiritual connections to myself I started slowly but surely letting go of more of the non-traditional personal growth avenues that I had been, utilizing an investing financially very heavily in so fast forwarding to. 2012 12. Obviously we all know what started in 2020 both health-wise and. Political wise it is a shit show and when black lives matter started I wanted to be a part of it I wanted to support it and I wanted to. Not be your typical white privileged woman. Who wanted to be inside of it you know like and you guys probably know where I'm going with this I took this as an opportunity to. Shut up and listen and learn, and I learned so much I mean growing up in the Christian School System obviously I mean American history as already skewed like ridiculous but when you sprinkle in God in there a lot of things of History. I didn't know happens. And so first and foremost for me what was important to me was educated myself reading the books listening, making changes I didn't want to just like jump in like everybody else I wanted to take my time with it and really make sure that I am doing my due diligence I know I say doing this correctly because that is such a white guilt thing because there is no, correct way for a white person to do this there is definitely a wrong way I will say that but anyway so I started reading the books, you know listening Mickey and shifts in how you know making shifts for myself first and then sharing those shifts when I felt called, and then my friend VP came into my life I still to this day don't know how she came into my life I'm really hoping to have her on the show soon because y'all need to hear, then they are like a chef's kiss that at the time she was doing a course called the inclusive. Entrepreneur yeah the inclusive entrepreneur TI e and I waited a year because again I I just didn't feel like the timing is right but then in 2021 I was like I want to do this and I want to do this with her help with the support of others and let me tell you I learned, more about myself as well as you know how to be a deeper, Ally and Advocate that I really ever heard that I read that I really ever expected I expected to, obviously learn how to support you know, by Park and the global majority as a white woman of privilege not only in my actions but also in where I invest my money as a business owner and entrepreneur and really educated myself on. Trudy I inside of cultures and communities as well what I didn't expect was the Journey of truly understanding how I identify. Both VP and her coach Hannah it was the first space where I heard the term non-binary woman. And the first space where pronouns were important. And the first time I heard that term or the identifiers a title you know whatever you want to call it non-binary woman I remember just going. That's interesting like what what is that and I remember instantly starting to research it and. Sitting with that because then there was this other fight of why do I have to find a title for it right. There's this pressure that when we step into something and I use that instead of coming out, I remember hearing a queer eye on Netflix Chromo saying that he doesn't use the term coming out because that's like him stepping into his face really he's letting people in. So he let people in on that he's gay. And I love that fact because it is that pressure of like oh I gotta I have to come out I have to take right that that's scary step in into someone else's space and tell them who I am instead of. Opening up the space for people to come in and know who I am so I remember really City with that term and also that conversation with myself a whole why do I need a title I didn't need that, and the more that I researched it in the more that I talked and I was just in the space of VP and Hannah and the more that I just you know sat with it which PS City wish it is phenomenal please do it. We are so. Pressured into having to make decisions having to hustle push through all of his toxic positivity bullshit, jobs fucking sitting it marinate in it don't live there right don't set up shop and and. And do that however recognize it feel it. B and side of it because that's again where this transitional. Shit happens and transitions are painful for those who have been able to give birth transition is the most painful part of giving birth and at the end of it is something, hopefully usually nine times out of 10. Really beautiful and really life-changing so this transitional point for me of how I identify. Was really one of the missing pieces into fully discovered who I am how I fully discovered who I am yet no she's, she still Brew him there are still Brewing however recognizing and embracing. That I am a non-binary woman. Has been able to free up spaces in my brain in my heart and my soul. That have never really had that freedom before. And has unlocked some things that I didn't know I was so wrapped up in. Fashion for example I'm learning but the funny thing is is that I had to remember that. I don't have to dress like anything to be a non-binary woman that's your seating to write is that we think, that a certain person or a certain Identity or certain sexuality looks a certain way and when they do it's confusing but is it it's only confusing to us because it's, they don't fit the norm and that is something again with this podcast and hopefully we share you my story as well. We start to stop those assumptions we learn instead to just talk to each other and ask questions and listen and learn because even with myself, of my next thing was like well how, but you know need to make sure that I look like a non-binary woman honey that's the whole plate, I can dress however I want to dress if I feel like looking like a nine-year-old boy like I actually do right now I feel, amazing and comfortable and awesome there are times where I just want to be a sexy little vixen and you know what I do that too and. When I really started getting myself permission to make it what I wanted it to be and remembering the titles and descriptors are. Additives right they aren't examples they aren't. Rules they are ways for us to talk about who we are and. To show that we are more than just one of them so in this journey for me of how I am more. Then just. Tommy Lee's daughter I am more than just a woman I am more than just a mom I am more than just a podcast host it is come from. Really taking the time to connect to myself be with myself. Question myself and then. Take the steps no matter how weird how how uncomfortable how non-traditional they are. To discover more. To follow my curiosity with religion with spirituality with my sexuality with my gender identification. Not only has that now created probably the most healthy life I've ever had in my entire life mentally emotionally physically. It's just gonna get better. Am I still going to have hard Parts abso-fucking-lutely you know what nobody's journey is done until you're dead and anybody who says that they now are just sailing through life with with no b or, beats or you know curves full of shit. And maybe they think that and you know what God bless them but this is how I am today, I am a mom I am a partner I am a non-binary woman I am exploring my sexuality and how identify and that space I am a spirit guide I am an oracle card reader I am a human design reader I am a friend and a caregiver and a daughter and a sister. I am a Sci-Fi geek I am a Harry Potter nerd fuck Jake hey though I am a doctor who nerd like I love smut there's so many different pieces of me and every single piece every single facet every single title and descriptor. Our ballad R-value bull are beautiful and. We'll always have this space to be seen and heard and recognized and that is something that I. Again felt called to do with this podcast is to show others. The same respect and honor to open up the safe space for them too. Share their stories to be themselves. And to be themselves without any context or pre Notions of who they are to begin with when I start these episodes you guys, I don't introduce my guests with their traditional bio and all those things like like a lot of typical podcasters the podcast because this is not a lead generating podcast, I know it's an entrepreneur people are like oh is this for your business now this is completely separate this is nothing to do with my business this has everything to do with the fact that I have a passion and a constant need of curiosity of other people's stories and I know. That we don't share enough I know that the more that we talk and share and listen and learn and apply, the more the changes that we want to make happen will start to happen it does it happen overnight no well I have it in my lifetime probably not but it's that it's that raindrop water bucket effect of the more that I can sprinkle, my contributions to it. Along with everyone else the more this will start to create a tidal wave so there's any. Take away that I could give you from this time together is that. You have everything inside of you to answer the call of your soul you just have to find it. And that doesn't mean this is all on you. Because you're not gonna be able to do this alone you're going to need support you're going to need resources you're going to need your Collective however. The journey will never fully be yours if you don't start with you first. If you don't start with rare really where you want to start and how you want to start it. So trust your instincts to see my will mention in her episode follow your curiosity it's okay if it's not what others D are the right steps as long as they're healthy. Alright let's promise that not encourage you to all to move into unhealthy coping mechanisms what I am saying though is with Grace and ease and patience. Start connecting with yourself and when you have that first inclination of you know I really want to spend more time exploring this, then start their start with that first inclination there's no wrong way to connect to yourself start with whatever you want to start with first. And as a human design reader and as a you know as a life and business guide. If you would like to chat more with me about where to start my phone is always available you can definitely schedule a virtual coffee with me at any time. But trust trust yourself you are amazing you are valuable you are more. Then just your main title and descriptor you have so many amazing facets. And not a single one makes up all of you you are all of them together. There's no shame in that there's no there's no shame in that there's no shame no shame here. Here is a space where you can just be here is a space where you can connect sand listen. And hopefully not only get inspiration motivation to make those shifts that you're looking to make that also. You know the action steps of how to just start and where to go when you are ready and if you feel calls. So thank you thank you in advance for spending time with me today. Well not in advance because you've already spent time with me so thank you for spending time with me today thank you in advance for continuing to come back and hearing the stories of others. Thank you for the likes thank you for the subscribes thank you for the reviews thank you for the donations this is a, self-sustaining podcast and by that I mean think of it as like the PBS we put this on only by your contributions so if, like, this episode and you would like to hear more and have more seasons funded go ahead and head over to the GoFundMe link there's a video there explaining where all the funds go. This is not to pay me this is to pay others just thought I needed to say that the funding does go towards editing and marketing all of the episodes as well as the production team, and my goal as well is to as this starts becoming more and more self-sustaining will go into a guest, pot because I I want to pay my guests does it matter quote unquote how much of an expert you are. You are sharing your Genius you are sharing your emotion and in my mind you need to be. Paper that you need to be financially thanked for that service so if that feels good to you definitely check out the GoFundMe Link in the intern again my name is Mel mcsherry, my pronouns are she they thank you for joining me today and I will see you next time bye. Music. Much for listening to this epic episode all of the resources and links connected to it will be in our show notes located on our website more than, stop bus if you like this episode which I would be shocked if you did not go ahead and hit that like, subscribe review and share also remember that this episode and all others have been made possible by Financial contributions and support, from listeners like you so if you would like to hear more stories of how epic humans are more than just pop on over to our GoFundMe and make a contribution, also don't forget to follow us on Instagram at more than just podcast thanks again. Music.