More Than Just: Conversations with Misfits, Entrepreneurs and Change-makers

More Than Just a Connector — with Megan Wessels

Mel McSherry Season 1 Episode 8

In today’s episode I’m joined by networking specialist Megan Wessels. We discuss the importance of finding your voice and tuning into your authentic self to live your life to the fullest.

Tune in to hear us discuss:

  • The importance of women connecting with other women in spaces where they feel safe to be fully open and honest.
  • Navigating changing perceptions of parental figures, and their impact on our beliefs about our selves.
  • The imperativeness of finding your inner voice and authentic self if you want to have an impact on others.
  • An exciting project for school children in Chicago
  • Megan’s decision to embrace vegetarianism as a way to reduce her impact on global climate change.

Links & resources:

✨ This episode is sponsored by the amazing Molly Hebda Photography. Want a visual brand that’s as multi-faceted as you are? Follow @mollyhebdaphotography on Instagram & grab your FREE Visual Brand Planner today!

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Hey ntj listeners before we get started on this epic episode I wanted to let you know about our sponsor Molly hebda photography, if you're a woman in business you understand that multifaceted nature of being many different things to many different people all at once. So much Rich complexity and one undeniably uniquely you package. That unique complexity is your stamp both on the world and on your brand. That's why a Molly Hub du Fort ography visual brand experience is not just about what you do but who you are, it's working with someone who really listens and walks by your side as a strategic partner to create uniquely you brand photography someone who knows how to draw out genuine expression that feels natural joyful and self-affirming. I can personally attest to how amazing Molly is she has been my branding photographer for the last two years and I not only use her photos multiple times I have never had such an amazing experience being photographed in my entire life because let me tell you your business and your brand deserves All That You Are. So to find out if you're bringing your whole badass self to your visual brand download Molly's free visual brand planner the link will be located in the show notes and definitely do not forget to follow her on Instagram at Molly hebda photography and check out all of her amazing awesomeness on her website Molly hebda dot-com all right y'all let's get this episode started. Welcome to More Than Just I'm your host Mel mcsherry on this podcast we share how we are more than just descriptors and titles that identify us and our lives our businesses and our. In the safe common room space you'll hear stories of success and Lessons Learned From Myself and other Misfits entrepreneurs and change makers. My intention is to inform connect and expand our knowledge so we can be mentally emotionally and financially. As we create the change we desire my promise is that from each episode you'll take away not only inspiration and a connection to someone you never knew before. But also the encouragement the action steps and the support so you can create. Music. Hello everyone Mel mcsherry here welcome to yet another fan-fucking-tastic episode of more than just I am here with the phenomenal Megan wessels, and I have known Megan I want to see if about five years now for five years all right, ref yeah it was covid it's like know-it-all squishes in and how I met her is, and I don't want to give too much away because as you all may or may not know I love to make sure that when you get to know the humans here on this podcast it is without any context to starting off with their amazing and here is why but I'll I met her through one of her amazing networking events and since then have just been completely obsessed with her. For more reasons that I can name but first and foremost in the reason why I wanted her on this show is because she is so fantastic. At just being herself and not only herself. In all forms of life but also on all platforms and as a woman in business I know that that is not always the easiest and so whatever, I see someone just really stuffing in as who they are on all platforms I I know that there's definitely, more to them than that so first and foremost and again thank you so much for joining me I'm so happy that you're here I'm so I so appreciate you for inviting me. Megan I always love to start off these conversations with asking you what is your main title or descriptor and how are you more than just that. I get connector a lot and it's because I do a lot of connecting of women I create events where specially women can come together and be part of something much bigger than them. And I would say like how I'm more than that is. I am super passionate about the environment and reducing waste the fact that our Earth is basically deteriorating, because of all these different companies and pollution about they are so super passionate about that I actually became a vegetarian in January as a way to do my part animals saving the planet. And I'm also really really passionate about children so interesting is I never wanted to be a mother I knew this when I was in college I remember laying, my bad just thinking about my future one day and I was super clear, that I did not want to be a mother that I wanted to create an opportunity for me to bring another child into my life that didn't have the same opportunities that I did growing up I feel like there's so many children out. You were born into situations outside of their control and had they been given the same opportunities that I open or you know grew up in the environment that I grew up in they would have a very different life path and a very different future so. If I can create that opportunity for others and I want to be able to do that and those are to my big Passions. Outside of connecting and bringing women together and really giving women a voice. Mmm I first first I thought that's so amazing and secondly I. I see a theme though even through that of you know you just and definitely correct me if I'm wrong. You are connected in so many ways I feel that you know environmentally spiritually all of those things and I always love when. People choose and have the ability to. Utilize those passions in different areas I'm curious though we're what was kind of your first. First Passion and it does have to be connecting but was kind of that first thing that like really got you going who's your a very motivated person. Oh my gosh my first Passion. I would say you know my first Passion I don't know how far back you want to go but like growing up I just loved I was a total Daddy's girl and I just would. Do you know like I just wanted to do things that would bring me closer to my father. And so I did I really followed it but steps in a lot of way and I still do. But created my own path obviously and then I even worked on for 11 years and he was my boss, and I learned a lot from him and wow yeah it just gave me so much context and like skills and so many skills and knowledge around connecting with people sales it's really good at, connecting with people and I really feel like that's where I got it from, he used to take me with him sometimes to visit customers when I was growing up I was like 45 years old I remember specifically going with him. To visit a customer who happened to be a farmer and they were having like a barbecue and there were all these people there and I watched as my father, walked around and shook everyone's hand and really took time to connect and listen to them I really feel like that had a big impact on who I am and so working for him, I got to a point where I started to realize that wasn't me like I needed to get out from his wings and find myself. And it was around that time that I also started reading books my first book that really had an impact on me was Rich Dad Poor Dad. Kind of funny ironic that it's all about fathers but. I remember thinking oh my gosh I could create my own life there's so many different opportunities out there for me. There's something that I could do about that I create my own path and I never really saw it that way because I was always under my father's wing and I liked it there for a long time and the next. Think and Grow Rich and it was has such an impact on me and really creating that framework for me too, build the path that I want my life and from there I went to Tony Robbins seminars I think I've been there four times now and, really learning more about you know my pregame my mindset game and how I can change my mindset to create the path that I want as well really looking at okay what is that life that I want, and what you and I talked about a little bit before was there was still this aspect that I didn't trust you I was I didn't trust myself I didn't trust my own. I didn't feel good about who I was I was bringing all these women together and you know networking events which is where you and I met and I didn't feel like that's who I was yeah I couldn't resonate with it I couldn't like take it in and really own that that work was much different what I realized that was all about my mom. That was growing up with he was always trying to fit me in a box because her mother did the same thing and that you know you have to do things a certain pay to be proper and whatever it was that she thought I should be and whenever I was. Not being that person or you know she felt like I did something wrong I was shamed for it, but I was never told oh let me show you how to our way or you know this is why I'm upset with you don't do that and a person so I was, trying to get my mother's approval and in doing so. I changed who I was in order to be that good girl for her and so I have literally pulling back all the layers and shedding all of these sona's, over the past few years it's really out who I am well I feel like I'm there I'm standing in my truth. That is so ethically powerful and it's I resonate so much with so many pieces of your story which is one of the main reasons why I wanted to have a podcast like this is because. We can see that we connect on so many levels that you know that go Way Beyond. You know background or race or anything of those of that nature and I text you on a couple of things one my father is also an entrepreneur and he was my first example of. What it's like to be a business owner and you know a caregiver and a partner. And I've mentioned this before but you know also what not to do of like oh okay well I felt this as a child's because he chose to do it this way. My ten-year-old you know I've been a primary caregiver since he was three. I really took that in consideration of okay I never want my son to feel like I chose my business over him and I know my dad did not do that consciously. But as a child that's how you see it and it's so interesting. How those pieces start to come to the surface I'm curious oh and you did touch on this a little bit so I wanted I want to take this little bit deeper if you don't mind sir I'm curious with having such an amazing, masculine example of what it's like to be a business owner did you find that, blending in you know if you are a believer of the feminine and masculine energies how was your journey kind of bringing in that feminine aspect to it like did you find yourself kind of be more quote unquote masculine with it or was that something where you kind of, started to instantly kind of sprinkle your own little spice into it mmm that's a great question I think looking back. It was definitely more of a masculine energy I felt like I needed to because I learned growing up with my mom to perform to to be what everyone thought I should be like, to be decked out and professional and even back then I used to wear so much more makeup I was hiding who I really was so interesting when I go back and look at pictures now. Wow I just really didn't know who I was and I felt like I needed to fit a certain mold yeah and. Yes it was that is definitely a masculine energy I feel like the feminine energy is more inflow and that's where I am now just really standing in my truth and, listening to you know my body my intuition and going with that versus doing what I feel like I should be doing. At the molds and yeah and the first few years my business oh my gosh I had so many women who would, you know come up to me and tell me how much they appreciated everything that I was doing how much they love my dinner parties and as I mentioned before I never really internal I was never able to internalize that. And no I started my business so I want to tell this story so I walked into my father's office in 2015 I had been doing the work you know lists reading all these books going to Tony Robbins I'm like wow there's something else out there and I want to do something for myself I want to get outside from under my father's wings and, carve my own path and so I walked into his office one day and quit and I left a really good job and he was a little surprised I think I was too because I wasn't really expecting to do that but it just came out I didn't I went with it and right so. Follow that path of building my own business carving my own path I really wanted to. Kind of follow in my dad's footsteps and become an entrepreneur but do it on my own terms and the first few years in business. I was really ashamed that I was not making the money but I should be making that I expected myself to be making I put a lot of pressure on myself I would go to networking events and do a lot of speaking and people saw me is this person who's like kicking ass and doing great and I every time they ask me it was like yeah everything's good but die inside I was printing I was I was like terrified, absolutely terrified and not feeling good about where I was or who I was and I couldn't tell anyone I mean, I didn't I was ashamed of it and it was something I felt like I had to hide and what I see now is it what women really need as that space to be their truth like to be their authentic selves and have a place where they can talk about those things because that is the only way we're really going to create a fulfilling life and and do what we love. Thank you for saying all of that again like this is this is why I wanted to hide wanted this platform is because. I know I has been an entrepreneur for over a decade I never. Up until recently hardly ever heard stories like that it was just what you saw on Instagram or what you saw because I was one of those people what I met you five years ago of like man she's the master connector she knows everybody and she's. Here are doing there and going there and always look at so great I mean you always look great anyway no matter what you look like. But it was very like yeah she's got her shit together right and it's so. Refreshing to hear that you know because I went through the same thing of like. This is how I should talk this is how I should dress this is what a coach says this is the spaces that I need to be in and I talked so much about you know I know I should dot-dot-dot it's like, do you like you should do you sure you shouldn't do anything you just be who you are and I so agree having that space where you can have those people and just. Talk about shit the good the bad I was just actually on Instagram the other day and I was watching you know reels like most of us do and a woman was talking about how women just need a place to brag, like fully brag without any judgment without any emotional labor without any hesitation and it's both sides of those coin right especially as women. And it's probably humans in general. Having safe spaces to be and to fully celebrate to fully Brad to fully discuss to fully you know talk about the shit that they're stuck in because, we all go through it. So with this journey that you've been on what was kind of that first moment or that First Resource that you got that was like the Tipping Point into oh this is like that first kind of like first, piece of string that you started to pull the kind of started unraveling it I would see more recently that was. I hired a love and relationship coach to help me find my partner and what ended up happening is I found myself. As not what I expected at all yes. Absolutely perfect and that is that's really where it came from but we started was like an onion pulling back those layers of you know trying to really understand where I'm coming from and, what's so interesting as for the longest time I thought it was related to my father because it was so close to him. I had no idea that this was really no other wounds that hadn't been healed yet generations of mother wounds it hadn't been healed then. Working through and I've done a lot of healing around it so where I just yeah I feel like. That's not really affecting me anymore but it's a practice you know I'm not perfect I'm working on my things, there are a lot of times where things come up and what I've noticed the most is like I'll be in a situation and I'll feel something or think something but. I still don't have the full ability, to say it in the moment a lot of times I have to take a step back or like go somewhere for a day and then really sit with it and process it and then. I'll know how to respond to but I'm getting quicker at it it's really just trusting myself because for so long I didn't couldn't say. What I felt or what I wanted to say because I would be shamed for it so yeah it's just it's a journey it's finding that, that support right even though who ended up helping you out of this was it who you expected, you know you you hired this relationship and love coach to find your partner and instead for right now you found yourself which will always be your partner it's funny that you know which I'm sure you've seen this as well as that, that needs to happen for you too, welcome somebody and because a partner isn't there to complete you I like to say a partner isn't there to complete you a partners are to amplify you and if you don't know what needs to be Amplified then they're not going to know I said and it's you that goes through, you know this whole process in this whole journey. For somebody who's listening to this right now and it's going to yes yes hell's to the yes and they're like well I don't know if of a loving relationship coaches what would you say. To that person who's just like. Waiting for that nudge like what what word of what words of advice or wavy if you have like a book or something like what would be that first. Thing that you would want them to know as they're venturing into the self-discovery. I would say first invest in yourself it's add up to be a lot financially. But I promise you it pays off in dividends your life will be completely transformed, you know how you interact with other people less stress less anxiety and you think if you think about it like all the stress you know eventually down the road is going to end up costing you a lot of money and health care so yeah it is well past that now because you know all the things that you think and you feel it's all connected your body your mind it's all connected and if you do that work now you. Well absolutely have a fulfilling life and. You won't second-guess yourself and you will be just joyful even when the things that are around you that's one of the most important things that I've learned is like the things around me art. As I want them to be I can change that and I don't let that stress me out I don't think about the future, I think about where I man right at right now and how can I make the best of it and and then I could, the world around me by doing that and it's a very different way of looking at life now for someone listening out there if you would have met me five years ago I was such a different person I was really surprised this and now I'm fully I'm whole. And it's a lot of work so whether that's finding a coach I think the most important thing is having someone to talk to whether that's a coach or a therapist relationship coach life coach. Find someone that you can talk to that you can open up with and be vulnerable and that person will get to the next step. Yeah 100% hey friend like in the episode Pretty epic isn't it. Well guess what this episode and all others have been made possible by financial support and contributions from listeners like. So if you would like to continuously here how these. More than just go ahead and head over to our GoFundMe and make a contribution cool all right let's get back to the magic. There's no way that you could do this alone I know I definitely have not been alone in my journey either and the support has gone through different ideations right but. Having that trusted space where you know going back to the beginning of our conversation of. Feeling safe and being held and being fully supported without any angle to it all I don't know that's extremely important for you as well as a woman business owner because you've created some really great environments, for you know women in business to have that support, I would love for you to talk more about that because one of my other guest Jennifer mego has been a part of this amazing experience with Megan and I just hearing like so many great stories I was able to be a part of it as well as a facilitator but talk to me more about how you've taken this safe environment and created something for for women business owners. Again I really feel like women need that safe space to be. Be vulnerable and so what I do through powerful Partners is I provide a trusted Advisory board for women entrepreneurs it is that. Kind of like a networking group but very different right if you think about most networking groups what happens we go there were like hey everything's very business is awesome we can't be fully refundable. I feel like a lot of times you know we get Mike business from those networking groups and we want to put on this you know Persona that everything is great we don't have air our dirty laundry out herds are, talking about all the problems in our business. And this the powerful Partners is a place where you can do that and that's actually what it's for you meet with your cohort of eight women entrepreneurs every month is that time for everyone to come together in a very structured meeting there's a lot of connection that happens but the time that you're there for the meeting is really meant to work on your business but instead of doing it alone you get to do it together and there's an opportunity to it every meeting too. Present those challenges that you're having in your business and the most amazing thing is that I can select everyone's I look at what they bring to the table. And all these different women bring different skill sets right one really good at sales when might be really good at process when might be really good at marketing strategy so they all bring that to the table and then they help each other through the challenges and their business. And what's so awesome is like I don't have to be a coach I don't have expert I'm to facilitator that brings all these people together and it's to do is what I'm good at so I'm living in my zone of Genius. Perfect and I know that probably nine times out of ten most of those women have never met each other before but by the end of it because you go through the whole most like dating relationship like the first date you're like oh hey these are my facts this is me you know eyebrows up cheekbones like sitting up kind of thing, and by another third fourth this six days is like all right here's my message today like this miss this is what we're gonna chat about, to have that and be again, still have it because it's all connected right the I don't like the same where people say you know it's not it's not personal its business well it's kind of bullshit because when it's your own business it is personal, personal life affect your business life your business life affects your personal life and anybody who can separate those that's weird and I don't know how they do it probably not healthy. But you be able to again step into a space where you are a person first, who owns a business instead of I am a business owner who sometimes gets to be human. That just puts such a different emphasis on it and already sets the tone. For those deeper conversations and for that for that authentic support yeah, I've structured it in a way that there's a connection there because I'm so good at creating the connection right there's a connection that happens right from the very beginning so the very first meeting they do what they call I call it the this is me exercise. And it creates this. Instant connection between the women and then within the first few months of each cohort and then once a year as well they have a weekend retreat, and this is an opportunity for them to go away for the weekend grind I bring in a retreat facilitator they spent a weekend together away. With this Retreat facilitator working on their limiting beliefs understanding why they are the way they are and in order to do that you really vulnerable and share things that you probably don't even tell like. You know your friends and it's so powerful when you have that safe space to share things that happened to you years ago that really of an impacted who you are but it also gives everyone else in the group. More, compassion and connection to you and understanding why you are the way you are a hoot and then can help you going forward to so it creates this unbelievable lifetime bond between these women and yeah one of them members calls it your business bestie is I feel like it's even more than that because it is really truly. Like a business soulmates yeah oh my gosh I love that even even even more because it is deeper than fast he's like I had you know we all have besties that even sometimes with that there's context around it depending on when they met you in your life and you know all of those things so definitely having that space to be fully transparent as again not only as a woman but as a business owner and everything else that comes along with it you are more than just that right I get it's it's that it's that common theme of being able to, to be who you are and that space so with this beautiful work that you're doing on yourself and with women I would love to Circle back to your passion for working with children and how is that going to be kind of an expansion and is an expansion of the work that you already do hmm. I blame on the board of a charity called Brian Banks Academy so we have a currently a day school for children in the South and West Side who, live in neighborhoods that they're threatened their life is threatened on a daily basis you know going to and from public schools and then their experience in the public school as they get pushed through the system without getting a proper education and if you know these types of situations you know that what happens is these kids get out they are in a very low grade level even though they sometimes graduate from high school they're not going to get a proper job because they don't have the education and they end up, selling drugs are doing some you know getting involved in crime and it just they end up incarcerated and then you get incarcerated. There's no chance that they're ever going to have a positive future most likely so these kids we are actually building the first public boarding school in Chicago we're looking at partnering with the universe scare in Chicago where our kids would be living in the dorms they would be surrounded by teachers mentors on a full-time basis they get three meals a day, and it completely changes the path for them in their life they get a different level of education and support then they would anywhere else there's no other schools I could in Chicago right now so, within the next year we are really excited to be able to announce that and the school is really important to me the students are important to me. And you know in the future one of my goals is to build a biodynamic farm where kids from like in this kids can come and learn how to, build a farm that is healthy for our environment so you're not familiar with biodynamic farming there is a great documentary out there called the biggest little farm it's on Netflix it is such an amazing story so good actually about. Farming is, it's a way of farming without chemicals without destroying the the dirt it's really utilizing for creating more, healthy foods and everything is done with the flow of nature versus you know, creating your own crops and everything so it's really cool and I wanted to teach inner-city kids how to do that then I'll also help the environment. What a beautiful way to again. Combine all of those together because that's what I love about these stories is that we get so caught up in kind of these almost like traditional quote-unquote ways that we should help or can help again that we should thing. And. The fact is is that you have already done this so beautifully of taking that initial passion of connecting and helping and facilitating but being able to. Take all of that and go. How can I utilize this to be to make something better instead of sometimes what we get caught up in is. I have this passion how can I turn this into a paycheck or how can I make this successful for me. You've done so well I've take you something that you're passionate about and then. See what other Gardens you can sprinkle it and what you can do you know where can you be that is. Valuable and beautiful and connecting that goes just so much deeper than just you know having a beautiful space, for women to be able to network so what what a powerful Evolution that is so amazing thank you yeah it is so fun to honestly like. Life is meant to be fun right and I love bringing it together and it's so I'm creating more opportunities to do that I have a ton of events coming up this summer in the Chicago area, opportunities for women to come together and just have fun and connect and be outside and enjoy this life I feel like one of the things the pandemic taught me is there is so much out there that we can do to create that fun life for our self and life is meant to be happy it's meant to be enjoyed it's not meant to be so serious and. I really stopped watching the news and I don't watch the negative stuff on Instagram I will go right by it because I don't want that in my brain I want to. Look at the. World as something that is fun and the more that I look at is fun and enjoyable the more those experiences come into my life and the more of those people come into my life and, yeah so now I get to do I give that back to other people, I think that's one of my biggest takeaways and reminders from you know our time together today is that all you have. Promised is today right and it's not even the full day you are prominent you where you are now is what you have so what can you do. To be your fullest self inside of it because too often we get caught up in well when I do this or when I get this or when this happens then I can do this. That's like yes and, you have so much power right now you have so many resources you have so much control that I don't think we give ourselves enough credit for whether that is control over you know. Who is inside of our environment as much as we can be especially when it comes to you know social media and what kind of environment are we creating for ourselves. As well as the control of we have full power to say no to things we have full power to say fuck yes to things like we just have. So much more inside of us than I think we give ourselves credit for because it's it's not. Typical or especially as a woman we might come off as you know loud or abrasive or weird or insert you know, adjective here just because we've decided to go to the be of Our Own Drum and again I think the more that we can be able to share. Our stories of not only where we've been but where we are now and where we want to go. That will just create so much more of a collective mindset that you know we are here to support each other we are here to amplify each other right no matter what kind of relationship whether it's romantic or personal or professional it have you even inside of your collected is the same thing as like you match somebody and then help them with that not not so much space and they do the same. For you and that's it's so needed and just so so so valuable thank you yeah I love what you create two you are bringing what you are teaching women. More about themselves and you give them more power by doing so with the work that you're doing I think that is so important you are definitely, I sort of healer out there in the world and thank you for the work that you do. Thank you so much for that thank you I received that so thank you for that so I would love to know what's because I know you're like me where we always have like little but all things that were working on in and and stuff even though you live in the present moment but we still have I have dreams I would love to hear what what is next for Megan wessels. Well I'm still on my journey of finding my partner and I'm getting closer and closer I can feel it I am currently launching the next cohort of powerful Partners so this one will be in the Chicagoland area, I would really like to expand outside Chicago at the end of this year or next year. And two other cities because I know there's so many women out there who need a group like this this group serves women who, you don't have to have a certain there's no required Revenue level in order to get into this group it's really having an established business product or service being a pervert Maybe, but we are there to serve everyone and yeah if that's really important to me so it's figuring out the best path forward to. More visibility around what I'm doing because I know there's so many women out there who need it awesome. I love it I'm so excited and I can't wait to hear more from you as I continue to stop Meghan on all social media which you all will to all of her connections, are in the show notes, you get to see her dance you get to see her cute dog you get to see it because you've been I love Ashley the going back to all the way back to you know you're now being a vegetarian. It's been really cool to see the types of products that you've been using because I know I was born and raised vegetarian and it's. Everybody always ask me for you know different recommendations but especially for newer quote-unquote vegetarians, who find and I love a lot of stuff that you that you find is sustainable right as there any kind of. I know you talked a lot about different products and we're kind of switching those here but that's okay your Instagram is there any products that you just like live and die with that are part of your routine products I recently went. Reducing coffee intake because it's really bad for the adrenal system and I recently started using mud water which I really love it's a mushroom coffee but you know I still need something like worms. Morning but yeah I'm really liking the yeah water. And I also have been following the medical medium quite a bit so if you have heard of the celery juice diet that's very, from the medical medium I don't go 100% with all the time and dacians able to learn a lot from him about how different foods affect our bodies how to heal certain things too so I've done it 69 cleanse and felt amazing afterwards I would highly highly recommend some looking into something like that awesome I'm always looking for. Different things right especially as a woman who's getting older and Things Are Fred it's the same old stuff isn't always last the way or affects you the way that you used to when you were in your 20s and 30s so thank you for those recommendations it's been so amazing study time with you again and again the pieces that you have shared of your story thank you for honoring us with that and. Go in there and you know especially because it does resonate I know for myself especially, when you do get so caught up in those titles and descriptors and that image and that you know expectations whether it's was put on To Us by you know others as well as ourselves. That you can always refined yourself right you can always. Meet yourself in the middle and and get to know yourself and then Journey with yourself even further it's never too late you're never behind it always, comes at a space when you are open and ready and it is. A hard yet gorgeous and amazing journey so thank you so much for sharing that with us are there any other words of wisdom or anything you would like to end with us as we close our time together today. I would say finding your voice is one of the most important things that you can do learning to stand in your truth. Trust your voice whether that's your actual voice or your inner voice I think coming from listening to the inner voice first and then speaking from that is, it will change your life it will change, the world around you will change your relationships it is such a huge impact relationship I have with my mom is very different now it's very good but I've learned to show up for her in a way that fits with unconditional love I have, Meads anymore other than. Just her being her and I don't need her to change I don't need to do anything differently in order for me to feel safe because I've created that safeness for myself, and in doing so I'm able to shower her with unconditional love and she has never experienced that before in her life she had a lot of Shame growing up and so how she feels about herself, is it's not good and I want you know her final years on life I want her to know how much I love her and that is all Miss been a game changer, not just for my mom but also for how I feel about myself mmm-hmm. Dap powerful that's a beautiful plant like and Seed like that that is absolutely that's so powerful and so beautiful. Thank you thank you thank you again so much for being here for being here as you and being as you a hundred percent for those of y'all who want to stop making even more or maybe ask her about this amazing cohort that she does with her company powerful partners. All of her information is in the show notes go stock go like go subscribe all the things Meghan thank you again so so so much it was so epic having you here. And we will catch you all later on the next episode. Music. You so much for listening to this epic episode all of the resources and links connected to it will be in our show notes located on our website more than. Stop bus if you like. So Dope which I would be shocked if you did not go ahead and hit that like subscribe review and share. Also remember that this episode and all others have been made possible by Financial contributions and support from listeners like you so if you would like to hear more stories of how epic humans are more than just pop on over to our GoFundMe and make a contribution. Also don't forget to follow us on Instagram at more than just podcast thanks again see you next time. Music.