More Than Just: Conversations with Misfits, Entrepreneurs and Change-makers

More Than Just a Former Fitness Coach — with Jennifer Nagel

Season 1 Episode 11

This week, I’m joined by Jennifer Nagel, former fitness coach who is now a skilled connector and business coach. Join us as we discuss the ups and downs of leaving a hard-earned identity behind to embrace rebuilding from an authentic place.

We also discuss such things as:

  • Rethinking the way we network to be more about human connection
  • How community helps us see ourselves and our potential more clearly
  • Showing up as yourself honestly, even if you’re not hi-def ready
  • The truth about how success looks (hint: it’s just messy and normal)
  • Diversity and Inclusion: a Banana Republic masquerading as a Benetton ad
  • Getting to know yourselves and your desires well so you can listen to your gut


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Hey I'm TJ listener are you a solopreneur who knows doing it all yourself won't get you to that next level, well before we start this epic episode let me tell you about our amazing sponsor my VA rocks my VA rocks is a virtual assistant agency that pairs you with the help you desperately need. They're wildly talented virtual assistants can pretty much do it all. From sales support grant writing speaker Outreach bookkeeping to graphic design copywriting and of course those administrative tasks we all dread. My VA rocks has the perfect support for you. And honestly I have had several clients hire va's from my V8 rocks and I have personally not only seen their business exponentially grow faster but I've also been able to see them fully step into their passion and have this renewed sense of excitement and their business because no longer are they overwhelmed by all the things that they think they need to do they can fully just do what they want to do to create the business that they desire. So you want to see how my VA rocks can support you will head over to their website at my VA dot rocks to book a complimentary consultation call. Also don't forget to follow them on Instagram at my VA rocks all right let's get to it. Welcome to More Than Just I'm your host Mel mcsherry on this podcast we share how we are more than just descriptors and titles that identify us and our lives our businesses and our. In the safe common room space you'll hear stories of success and Lessons Learned From Myself and other Misfits entrepreneurs and change makers. My intention is to inform connect and expand our knowledge. So we can be mentally emotionally and financially profitable as we create the change we desire my promise is that from each episode you'll take away not only inspiration and a connection to someone you never knew before. But also the encouragement the action steps and the support so you can create. Music. Hello everyone welcome back to another episode of more than just I am your host and mcsherry and once again as always so excited to be having my guest on today, Jennifer Nagle this is so funny we have known each other for what two years three years, 23 years yeah yeah and we have never met in real life not yet not yet it's to be dated but it's one of those relationships that, we both had multiple people be like oh do you know Jennifer oh do you know Mel and then finally we connected and then we've just been connected. Ever said so I'm so excited to share this space with you Jennifer I'm so excited to hear more about you so thank you for being here. This is my pleasure and I'm so excited we always have great conversations so now it's just being recorded So everybody be here all the crazy crap we talked about how was your day I mean it's a crap but it's good I mean it's good right you know I'd like to think that yeah and I think that's why things you know about quote networking is that. It's so easy to just dive into so what do you do I don't think we talked about what we did and toll-like meeting number for like no I really, you know confession melon like I still was like I don't know what the hell she does but I like her and I think we talk more about our past because we have so many like, I'll call origin stories in common yeah that it was just kind of weird and crazy in the fact that you only live three and a half hours from me it's really sad I should have met you in person by now I'm going to go ahead and blame the pandemic. Because that's really high percent like I'm gonna blame all my woes and issues on the pin like so but I have not met you in person it's because of the pandemic thank you mr. Dooley noted and I'll agree yeah it's conversations like that that really create really profitable relationships right mentally emotionally eventually and so to continue on the conversation. I would love to get things started off and I would love to know Jennifer what is your main title or descriptor and how are you more than just that, well that's such a loaded question for me because if you'd asked me two months ago I would have said I am a fitness and business coach and I'm definitely more than that and in fact I would like to say I'm not even that anymore I've retired from an area so now I call myself a connector because that's really what I do and I think you're the story about how we met is such a great example of that for four and a half years I wasn't online fitness coach I work with professional women on health and weight loss and gaining muscle strength training metabolism all that good stuff and I really loved it it was something that I'm, personally very passionate about I am in my mid-40s and you can still work and I really love exercise I love feeling like an athlete although that's changed a lot over the years like what type of things that I do but it's still something I'm very passionate about but I think in the middle of my business there were a lot of things that happened personally and even how I saw myself and how I saw myself in that industry where I knew it just wasn't what I was going to continue to do anymore and I knew that my was so much bigger than that title in that role yeah being in the fitness industry is such an interesting. Persona especially being a woman 1. It's a total mind fuck okay that's let's just say yes it is it is a total total mine foot and. I mean there's this area of like we need to look the part right which is. Massive it's so funny it's so just to let the listeners know we were both Beachbody coaches Beachbody is a networking marketing company this is not. An anti network marketing company conversation because I still appreciate what they provided for me and yet. The pressure to like these social media presentable right and be an example of the products. It's a mind fuck is it all my fuck and I started back in the day before I mean all we have is Facebook aging myself but all we have is Facebook and Facebook was so like relatively new nowadays with. Instagram and like all of this shit it's a very interesting space wow and you know for me it's like I love Beach well Beachbody will always have a special place in my heart because that's how I met my now husband that's a whole mother fun story but I actually got into bodybuilding after Beachbody now you want to talk about craziness yes I was in the little sparkly bikinis on the you know on stage lifting 6 times a week doing ridiculous amounts of cardio watching every single thing that I ate and four parts of that experience it was really good for me it was great to have something that was really focused on me, where I could you know do things that were way outside my comfort zone and in that sense it was great. Where it wasn't so great and this is also at the same time I businesses getting off the ground you know people are seeing me as this like. Very fit very you know I had a big transformation story where a you know I was probably like normal size and then I was bite-free and I am a muscles and the roughness and. It was so easy and looking back now I didn't realize it was so easy to get caught up in that I had some serious body image issues which led to me getting breast implants and at the time I truly wasn't like oh I hate my body I was just like I just want to be more balanced and symmetrical which is something that you balanced symmetrical all that stuff is like bodybuilding, Minecraft well yeah and so I did and you know it was fine until you know really six months and I started experiencing all these, really weird out of the ordinary health symptoms and for someone who had previously been extremely helpful, and even before bodybuilding I didn't really drink alcohol and eating a lot of crap I was you don't generally a healthy kind of person so it's working with a great coach and actually I was training in a very smart way but my body started to shut down like truly shut down I had zero energy I was dizzy all the time I was exhausted like I didn't even recognize myself I went to doctor after doctor after doctor I went to you know holistic medicine practitioners but everyone was like we don't know what's wrong with you. And so after all of this like you know doctor's appointments and deduction I realized it was my implants that were making me sick so then it took months to get in with a really great surgeon in my area. And when I say my area was still an hour bus driver and I had them removed and it was like instant relief and it was at that moment where I really had I'll you know I had a series of what scale called him a pivot he's but at that moment I really had an epiphany like oh my gosh. Look what I did to myself and look how much. Harm it caused and I really wasn't the same after you know because if you've been through a long-term illness so it's about 18 months that. They were days where I couldn't drive because I was so dizzy I had no energy and I was still trying to show up as a fitness coach and didn't connect at all and I was just like I don't want to do this I felt like I was lying I felt inauthentic, and you know people would still see me and they're like oh but you're so fit and you know in my head it's like will the fitness piece like I didn't matter what I look like I felt like death and right you know I think it was that turning point where in my head I'm like something's gotta change but of course I didn't just like it's going to change in here it is it took me another two years to figure out how to transition out and I think when we have these titles and people know us for a certain thing so I was in you know pot I was online, 20 podcast I was in popsugar and well and good and you know is the fitness expert I was in my business better and it was hard to walk away from that because I'd worked so hard to build a really positive reputation. To get great clientele my business was booming and I didn't want that anymore and it was it I can't tell you it was just it was like a huge loss loss of identity and I had to really take a lot of personal development time to figure out yeah. Where do I hear 40 plus year old business professional what do I down and I will not go back to a 9 to 5 job ever in my life. You will have to pull my toenails out it won't happen you know and that was part of the reason why I was inspired to make this podcast because. Going through my journey of I always like to say re self-discovery since not like I really. It's like oh I didn't know who she was it's just like oh There She is again letting go of those titles and descriptors that. Made you comfortable made everybody else around you comfortable was you know easy to just kind of like yeah that's me that's cool and then to have something we're like, that is no longer me and going through that journey of you know almost grieving this. Loss I felt like it was a lot since just like I thought I was so upset when I was in the fitness industry as well as like, I got it set like cool I'm going to make you know 10 start diamond and this not the other Imma Be the fitness person it's gonna be amazing. And when that started to shift more into you know the business coaching and now more into the spiritual side of you know of Look What I Call Now business guiding it's still weird because I still have people actually I remember this I when I officially left Fitness and I now sit on Facebook and I will see you know it's going to be a business coach somebody messaged me and they're like so does this mean you're like gonna get fat, oh man I was like no no just not like pressed it and still to this day it's been. Oh I don't I can't do numbers right now but it's been since 2016 hmm so they've been a fitness industry and people still are like somebody doing the fitness thing. It's like half. I still get customer enquiries almost every single week which you know makes me feel good like hey my marketing strategy must have been pretty damn good but it's like now that's that yeah here let me give you some other great wonderful people in this space who can help you. But actually know it's funny because your journey was one of the ones that I look to as I was making the transition, because what I loved is that you spoke and you you acted from a place of just like I want to just say the heart but it was a line and there are a lot of people who helped me understand that I didn't necessarily need to have this big plan strategy that whatever I just had to start to. Really look Inward and feel it out you know I don't know if that makes a lot of sense I had to feel it out total silence. And another great thing that one of my other coaches helped me with is when I was mourning that loss when I was having that grief about I'm no longer this thing she had me write a letter, to my former to my business, to thank it to be grateful for it and also to say goodbye and I can't tell you how healing that was and it also helped me feel like okay good it's done. Now I can move on and and when I'm challenged now like when people like oh did you hear about this new fitness thing and the you know I still love Fitness and still a passion of mine I'm curious about instead of wanting to dive into it for a business purpose I'm like oh that's cool and I move on right so. Going through and seeing your journey going through some really great like soul type cold coaching programs I was able to really discover the thing that I loved about Fitness coaching about meeting Rando people online yes I know but I love the connection I mean I can't tell you how. Just having virtual coffees with people because that's how I met you one of your former client that had a virtual coffee with and she's like yeah you need to know and then your name came up and then our mutual friend Megan's leg do you know Jennifer to my car I know this name and so it's the acting people because we all get better when we're, two other people in this world in this space in the Dozen whatever but and so I'm like a Matchmaker of business people so I love connecting but the best part of it is not what I gained it's like yesterday I had a conversation with this person that I met and crew, I'm that girl like hey you look cool you want to be friends so we had a great coffee conversation she was hilarious we had a great time we had fun things in common she has a really cool journey and immediately I was like, there are three people you have to me and so now she's interacting with them and their networks grow and like life is good so it's this place of abundance where I don't have to hold on to this information and I don't have to like I'm not seeking connection for my game it's like I like to be that broker that person who can introduce people because I just love seeing it all work together it's like if you ever had that nosy friend who's like a Matchmaker type and they always want to fix people up well that's me not on the romance side more on the business side and. And that's what my talent is that's the thing that I've done naturally throughout my entire life and career and they say the thing that doesn't feel like work at all or you just do it without thinking about it that's your thing. And so yeah I wanted to move parlay that into the next iteration. Of my business and so that's what I'm doing now and the connector I created a community to bring people in who are also wanting to create like genuine relationships and not that like. Hey what are you doing how can we work together great of marketing but true relationship. Understanding each other being in a diverse and open community and not one that just looks good on paper but people are actually in the community practicing being who they are and you know of course having fun but I think the joy of being an entrepreneur is just having these awesome, relationships where we just help each other because we want to like when your book came out only everybody look at that that look Elsa and hopefully that was a benefit to you but I did that because I care about you and not because I'm some like and I wasn't an affiliate or anything like that I was just like no I want. I want her to succeed because I care and so I think if we have more communities like that what is it so much more fun anyway I've droned on that's why I'm interviewing know you're more than welcome to the road on but you bring up a lot of beautiful points you know especially when it comes to the entrepreneurial space and networking Community Collective all of that I know. Back in the day when I first started networking I was your typical like go in business cards follow up like you know my mentors like what are your numbers you've reached out to you and did I get a lot of opportunities from absolutely. But I also overextended overwhelmed and. I always felt like I needed to continue to present myself in. This space right I got really caught up in what a coach should look like sound like you know like always listening and like it's funny watching even little podcast interviews. Where I'm just like I'm sitting up like a browser up and I'm like ready to like swing this conversation into every single thing that I do and. Holy fuck that was exhausting but I didn't know it was exhausting at the time because that's like this is what I was supposed to do and it wasn't until covid-19 think covid well we should all covid lock down the before times locked out especially. Like we couldn't network for a while and I remember the first networking event I went to back in person it was I think last year, it was a branch it was amazing it was a fantastic event however. My cheekbones and my eyebrows were exhausted 30 minutes yeah it realize. How much I was like so instead I just like you know I'm just going to be and I'm just going to show up I'm just going to you know and I talked a lot about that the difference between showing up and stepping in like I'm going to step into this energy now of. I'm not here to recruit anyone I'm here to support you know my friend who had this event I'm here to meet these amazing humans and from that. Has come so many amazing relationships and I think it's that it's those combination of those things even that we've been talking about right of letting go of these. Titles and the expectations that you put on yourself but you think are connected to these titles, as well as when you step into a space it's more than just like what do you do you know how can I help you. I always say the thing that throws people off when I do network is I never asked the question what do you do because I really don't care honestly my favorite question is what inspired you to come here today. No I love that and what's funny is I get one of two reactions one that like. Step back of pause and then going oh that's a that's a great question well and then we get into like a better conversation or the people who did not listen to me and go straight into what they do. Right because I work for Bank of America but I was like No And then I know who my people are afraid that exactly I felt your question, for me but I want to go back a little bit if you don't mind you know me I don't like glazing over the middle part right everybody loves a great sloppy and ugly right but I would love to just talk more and hear more of your experience. That kind of in-between right of you're discovering yourself people are asking you what you do you are trying to justify stuff to people while yours like talk me through cuz I'm sure you felt that right what was what was that like for you. Keep in mind it's like a two-year Journey so for the beginning of the two years ago and we are pleased with my I love the the hole concept of the messy middle and I know there's a book called messing it'll I haven't read it yet but you know it really is truly messy it's that time where. It almost feels like gosh Sera Ramsey I don't know if you know her but she wrote this great blog about it because she's like day one you're like I'm excited day too, what the hell Dave for I'm in bed all day watching Berger kid it's like that's how it is because you have no clue it almost feels like you know and I'm someone who's very like goal-oriented very type A I you know I was a strategist that's kind of my brain my natural you know programming and so not having something that was clear was a very uncomfortable place. I felt like I wasn't achieving anything like I was kind of just floating II didn't want to post anything because the old stuff felt wrong and it like I said it felt like a lie because I don't want to talk about that stuff anymore and he I would get really annoyed when people ask me anything about Fitness or nutrition so if you ask me something in the years of 20 22 22 22 and I was not my normal jovial self please understand it wasn't you it was just the fact that I was really struck I had this big internal struggle. And then I had a brief stint the most recently I'm like well I can get out of Fitness coaching but I still need to stay close to Fitness because that's what I know. And that's how people know me so I can be a Fitness business coach and so I went into that piece well it was also on fulfilling because although I've done business coaching for a really long time. And I know what I'm talking about I felt confident helping people we were still talking about those same things that still mess with my head. And so I had to I realized like I have to get completely away from that and I'll tell you honestly. So we're recording this it's May I one month ago was at a retreat. And I already knew that I was going to be transitioning into this community piece and I even think I told you when I join your community that for this is such a mode because this is something I've always wanted to do and you know I was like dabbling and I was at this Retreat and the funny thing about this retreat was I'm not even in this coaching cohort I was in the previous coaching cohort. During my cohorts Retreat my daughter dislocated her knee and had had major knee surgery so I do go to the retreat my my coach friend reached out to me and say hey we have room in our Retreat House do you want to come I'm like. Yeah because it felt real left out like can go to the retreat last time so right I bought my plane ticket I went to this Retreat and it turns out a few of the ladies who are in The Retreat we're also in my previous cohorts they signed up again. So they were somewhat familiar with all my you know musings and how I wanted to make a change and I was like I came to their treatment like well I'm a business coach now and I did this but I still want to do my community and and one of the women in retreat in the most loving way was like. Can I can I just say something to you honestly like yes and you know if someone prefaces their statement I'm like Oz about to do something about the call me out he called me out in the most loving way and said there's no reason by you shouldn't be further ahead on this piece because you've been talking about this for like eight months what the hell have you done in 8 months like you can't just have the little piece of paper she's like the only thing holding you back from doing what you really want to do is you it's fear, and you for whatever reason you are scared to become this new. Thing or if you're afraid to leave something behind or whatever she said it hit hard I mean she was a hundred percent right. And it was kind of hard to hear but I'm so glad that she felt good enough. To say that to me and she did because we had the relationship right so literally that weekend I'm like she is so right. There is nothing I have to wait for nobody has to give me permission I don't have to wait until I have this many dollars in the bank I'm no longer that person I've evolved and so why am I still thinking that I have to do this stuff the old Jennifer did I don't and so literally that weekend I work my ass off and by the end of the weekend I had notified. All of my fitness clients that I was moving on because I still have Fitness clients right I still had them well neighboring yeah I had end dates for everybody, I created so many different assets for my community I had my you know my purpose statement my mission document whatever but you know the sales page e typed language or whatever because I've been thinking about this for years and when I finally let go it poured out of me. But that was four weeks ago and I've been on this journey for two years it took me a lot of wonderful people who cared about me who challenged me, and who also gave helped me see that I could do anything I wanted and. Their personal things going on in the background with my family my mother-in-law is in hospice, my husband is injured and has not been able to work you know our kids were moving out of the house my mom moved in with us for a short period of time before she moves to my sister's retire there's a lot of family stuff happening and a lot of emotional energy spent there and so it was an interesting distraction because it allowed me say well I'm focused on my family right now and because the honest-to-god truth is I had no clue what I wanted to do. And yeah I think it was just in those instances some good friends have what do you want. Like what do you want your daddy's favorite question and why can't you just go ahead and get it and do it I'm like yeah all right so for anyone who thinks like if you're listening to this podcast and you're like oh tomorrow you're like I'm not this I'm more than this or I'm going to change tracks just be prepared it's it's a slug Fest in that same friend who called me out of the retreat we talked a few weeks later and she's like I've been where you've been and she's like this is going to be the hardest year of your life she's like you are going to be challenged or ego is going to take a hit because you know there's a lot of things that you are challenging but personally about yourself and other people are going to really challenge you too and you know it's not going to be easy but if this is truly who you are just keep doing it and keep going for it and it's great when she said that cuz I could see her on the other side she's a very successful at what she does she's amazing but to hear her say I was just where you were and I was confused I have no clue I wasn't making any money nobody was buying my stuff she's like but you have your ego like all that stuff you were on you know King and King of the mountain we know the mountain before and now it's like yes I'm not really starting from nothing because I have 20-plus years of professional experience. Almost five years of online business experience that stuff is still there but I am in a new space new people new whatever people don't know me like that used to know me and now I have to you know build up some street cred, and I have to be very confident in who I am and what I do and what my purpose is in order to really go for it the way that I need to go for it. Loving all of this because it is like that messy middle you know it's not Instagram pretty and honestly for most of us I know for myself to that was me last year, I needed to just process it myself and. Really just like connect to it myself before I could fully talk about it but. Going back to your point of finding those people that you can talk about it to from day one that's clutch like. For those of you listening if you don't have a trusted soundboard where you can just as I tell my clients blood or vomit. Find one either reach out to Jennifer well you'll see you'll get all the info for her community or definitely look up you know the Mac Collective, but finding that person first like this is what I'm this is what I'm thinking not asking for feedback not asking for action steps but just having a space to process it out auditorily is. So important because we can talk ourselves out of things we can make it way bigger and harder. Then it's not easy and I say that a lot in my book and as I would him speaking it's not easy but it is simple. And it's honoring the simpleness of you know. Being where you are today continuing to learn what you learn and when you said that you know you're not starting over fully agree I always say it's just a new chapter page one. Zero taking all of the pieces of you like all of my clients I say this is you know this is Jennifer 2.0 or this is you know Allen or 2.5 because we have these evolutions of ourselves and the O'Leary get the I don't say the harder it is the more interesting it is, to transition into something new and for those humans who have been able to have childbirth. Transition is the most painful part right it's just it's it's it feels like it's never ending it's just like but at the end you have this you have burst this. Beautiful thing. And the same goes in just these life transitions it's a good sign to me and not the Pollyanna it but it's a good sign when you're like really in the shit because. It's always darkest before the dawn right so sitting in that shit and for those who have. Hate the word pivot the new bird so over the word pivot those are the new Vern. Prepare the adults like crop can't do it. I love it I think it almost every single episode I've courted friends at least once or somebody else has this is how I know I've had good people on my show is that we instantly start quoting 90's pop culture early 2000s but even to those who it looked like. They maneuvered super quickly and super effortlessly you do not know what has been going on in the background, and for those who feel like they have to emulate that in order to be successful. No because it's not possible it might be possible from a numbers standpoint but let me tell you mentally emotionally it's going to creep back up at you and. Bite you in the ass before you know it yeah and can we go back to this people not showing up. They're real cells now first I'm going to call myself out because let me just tell you right before I was like woohoo podcast interview there's no video so like. Higher today and if you go to my Instagram I did a whole story about like no makeup I'm exhausted and then she's like well not we might use Snippets I'm like damn it. So I did go ahead touch up the dark circles under my eyes and like put on put on a jacket over my pajama shirt. But I would like to say generally when I'm online I try to be as honest. As possible so like I'm going to tell you that I put makeup on for this interview because mama just doesn't wake up looking like this and even, then it's like I also got a new iPhone and holy crap that camera is just a little too good, we need to be a little bit funny watch those shows are like they were not meant for each deal at hd-ready so but I that's the other thing that's been exceedingly important to me because I felt worse because I felt like I was the only one feeling this way and until I was able to get into my community we're other people were stepping up and being honest and saying I have no effing clue what I'm doing and it was so funny because you're in this group of very successful female entrepreneurs for my last coaching group and everybody sitting there like I don't know what the fuck I'm doing you know everybody same boat and that thing is like we have to remember that and this is why I do get a little frustrated with certain accounts where it is this like. Every pictures touched up and every picture is a brand shoot and I, you can easily think that this is how these people live 24/7 I can't live like that what's wrong with me or it seems like everyone only talks about their launch that like that 50 Grand and another person I was at the retreat with she's actually she's a money coach profit specialist Guru person bring spiritual money together and she's awesome but she was like they know what. BS because I've seen behind the scenes of enough books to know that yeah you may have had a fifty thousand dollar launch but it might be your only income for like six months and you still have to pay for all of these people and whatever and people are a lot not really representing. What the reality is and so it is so easy when you look especially on social media, when you don't really know the inner workings of people and it's been very popular to be like. You know in your Louboutins and Junior you know beautiful hair and makeup and here I am in Bali and I'm you know wearing a bikini and I'm working on my laptop and it's easy to think like holy crap like these people all have it down and how come I don't know or how come I don't feel that way or how come. You know I had a month where my account was in the red and I'm a failure and you know blah blah blah and it's just not true because guaranteed Garen frickin teeth. Every single entrepreneur and if they haven't had this experience they haven't been an entrepreneur long enough or they really can't call himself an entrepreneur. Every single entrepreneur has had a massive. Failure of some sort whether it's like in their muscle life or what yes and the longer you want it the more you have massive screw-ups like like holy up. I hope nobody saw that kind of like you know when you trip over the sidewalk and then roll and fall on your face and like the neighbors ring catches you here like gosh but it happens to every single one of us every single one of us are going to have some sort of crisis of what the hell am I doing because that's meaning that's what we're growth happens so if you are doing the right thing as an entrepreneur you are growing and you're having this existential crisis and I day like you have no clue what's going on it's okay and I want to show people, like I even put on my thing today I don't do pretty graphics on Instagram and all that stuff because it's just not me that's not who I am yeah who I am is someone who's exhausted because my daughter was a prom and I was trying to be a prom mom and I couldn't go to sleep and then my husband was sick and that's me my badass dogs are right behind this computer and I'm praying to God they do not bark during this podcast interview and like that real life and I am not a size 4 I am. You know I did get my hair done recently that's why it looks really good but other days like no it's all over my parade and I have crust in my eye and I'm still working on my computer from my bed or, you know my sweats are the same ones I've worn for three days and and I'm still it doesn't make me unsuccessful it makes me yeah. And I yes I'm successful because I get to live a life that I love. But it's Wednesday and I couldn't one say no today is Thursday Thursday and my daughter see I don't even know what day it is and she has a husband and

I don't have to ask anybody if I can go to the game I can just go yeah because it starts at 4:

00 which and it's a double headers I'll be there all night but you know I can also. In the middle of the week you know one of my friends like hey come see me in Seattle I'm like okay, and I got a I got a plane ticket and I could go I'm in charge of my life and my time my family is healthy that I am grateful I have amazing friends who I. Met and not even seen who I love and it's like I love my life and that's what to me entrepreneurship is about it's about having that freedom to live exactly how you, it's not perfect it's messy but it's still really really good my job love it kind of versed. Hey friend like in the episode Pretty epic isn't it. Well guess what this episode and all others have been made possible by financial support and contributions from listeners like you. So if you would like to continuously here how these epic humans are more than just go ahead and head over to our GoFundMe and make a contribution cool. All right let's get back to the magic that can really start day one of being an entrepreneur I'm so sick of this Narrative of like. You know. Hustle for six years you can live whatever that line whatever that code is it's just telling you to like yeah just sacrifice so much so then you can enjoy. Your life is like. That's not the reason why yes money is beautiful not knocking it muddy is fucking epic and yes that is a part of what we do because we. Why don't we have certain lives and certain things that we want to be able to do and provide for others. However when you first start off money doesn't always just like fall in your lap so you need to find. Those mental and emotional profitability points first of like I do have full say on how I spend the time that I have so how do I want to spend it today. And you know when we come from the size of oh I can't I have to build my business or I can win. Like that's another thing of like I can win this is you know like we are promised today and. You cutting your work day early you can go have lunch with a friend or to go on a walk by yourself. Does not negate you as a hard-working entrepreneur in any which way or for in fact you are already creating. A kumquat routine. That is going to give you the sustainability that most entrepreneurs don't have which is why both businesses fail within two years because. They hit the ground running with you know all of the tools that they're supposed to have and they have a website and they have this and they have that, but what they don't have is any true connectivity. To why they want what they want why they love to do what they love to do. Because somebody either themselves or social media or Mentor along the way is going to just turn it into numbers be like oh did you know that you can make six figures doing that and then that's what we focus on and that's been. You know such a huge connector for me with you know human design is like let's let's get to these yummy parts of you. And let's really connect to who you are internally foundationally. So then you can have the confidence because it's like I'm not going to tell you anything you don't know I'm that friend at the I'm that friend at The Retreat brightest say it you're just go oh it's not that loud, cool but it's nothing super shocking it's more just a formational and validating of yeah I'm not meant to work eight hours a day I am only meant to work to 24 so let's honor the fuck out of that and, tell everybody else to shut up and you do you the more that we have these conversations. And people can listen in on these conversations thank you listeners the more that we can see that we are not alone. And just add one more thing about you know stepping into social media when you're in these transitional points. No one deserves your full story right off the bat like do not stress yourself that you have to show up and share everything don't. Find people in the behind-the-scenes that you can share with like again going back to finding that true collector without true community, find those people and then when you're ready to share snippets on social media do it if you don't feel like being on social media don't like. There's so many ways you can build your business without having to put on a face and talk about things people are going to catch that. So I'm really loving me I love this so much and I love that not only are you fully practicing what you preach but you are. Creating a business out of it so let's just talk about that this business is for a hot second because it didn't naturally segue into that because I'm actually really curious about yeah it was I do and I have not yeah I don't know yet, so fill me head you know so here's the thing I love community so I'm in your community I'm in other communities and that's, fills me up because I think what I have learned being an online entrepreneur and I've been successful so it's not like I'm like never has, but what I've been successful and I've done well but the times where I felt the best. Is when I feel connected and interestingly enough the stuff that I love about the communities or not the Strategic re you know it's not the you know what should I love they want is a good strategic yeah exactly it's the people it's the personal growth. And so when I decided to create a community. I'm like a there a lot of great communities out there so I'm definitely not knocking anyone but I feel like I'm Different in a few ways number one he jokingly say Size Matters meaning that. I've seen a lot of great communities that get huge really fast because the focus is about how many members can I get in, and me the focus can't be that if you wanted to really be about relationships and genuine connection which that's what I want I want there to be the right people in the room and so it's not elitist it's not like though you can only you know is you have to have six six figures exist yeah figured well no well I mean I do want people to certain levels business but you can't have like, 18 books and you must have had 12 articles and Forbes in order to roll with me. But it's like I want people who have shared values who have a Purpose Driven Legacy driven kind of thought to their businesses, and who truly enjoy creating relationships with each other so I don't want the person who's like, what are you doing how can you help me because that doesn't feel good like especially if you're on the receiving end of that I just rolled my eyes I reached out to someone once and I thought they were so cool they messaged me back in like oh hey like we were having a conversation and then like. Literally our next message was like have you ever thought about investing in this some like see I don't like those freaking LinkedIn DM's looks weird and so number one the people that type in the quality of the community is very important to me and in my head I've already picked a number where I don't want it to be larger than an order for people to have really good connection and collaboration opportunities but be small enough where you can really know that person even if you've never met them in person like the other thing is let's talk about the diversity inclusion thing because the an advantage for me if you guys are listening to this I am black I don't care what you think black people should sound like I am black black black black. I'm black and it's really important and it's been very difficult in a lot of circles to feel like I'm not the only one and I'm going to say that I'm going to there are certain communities that give me this you like United Colors of Benetton poster. But inside it's the Banana Republic you know like everybody you know in and they look the same and they act the same and they talked the same they wear that same hat you know like I just and it's not about what people look like if you like the Hat thing in the middle part or skinny whatever go for it right what idea for us to have him common as more the inside stuff the values in the purpose and then come as you are, you know yeah I'm not 25 in a size for I'm older I'm bigger I have different life experiences I'm divorced I have I'm a step parents and I bring all of those parts of me, to the conversation and I want people who. Yeah sure the same purpose but I want them to bring their parts in the conversation too and I think it's really difficult because I think especially after 2020, and black lives matter you know everybody put the little black thing on their on their Instagram feed but and I think there was a. An attempt for people to be woke but now it's like it's still a little surface level for a lot of folks yeah I feel like there's a lot of people still feel displaced and they haven't found their spot yet so for all of you people haven't found your spot yet I've got the spot. Here talk to me okay so that's number two number three is, I do want people who are to certain level in their business because I think there are great communities out there for new business owners. Where you can talk about things like your offer and pricing and strategy and then there are people there are definitely some like Insider groups or people who are like making bank and, seven figures but then there's this big group in between. Who would say I'm not quite unwell definitely not a newbie anymore and I really don't have a lot of value and talking about I know who I am I know what I want to do. But I'm not where I want to be business-wise so what are the struggles and I think this program your podcast talks about a lot of those types of things that people at this level of business usually. Once they hit that six-figure Mark because in online space that's such a badge of I've made it. You know six figures or 10K or however you want to represent it yeah but honestly it's like just it's just starts to get interesting at that point it's like now you have to deal with all the personal crap you have to deal with your you know your vulnerabilities your unhealed traumas the things that your fears the reason why it took me two years to actually make a change in my business like those are the things that, people that love will need and so my community focuses on personal development and personal growth. You know in the context of moving to that next like level phase you know part purpose of your business we focus on having a really diverse and inclusive community of coaches Consultants entrepreneurs and I female stems in them because man I was trying to find like what's the term but it's like well yeah be like girl gang and women or women with the eggs or whatever but I want people to know if you feel like the lady or you identify with some of these types of issues come one come all right. Yeah that's what I'm using females fans in them I don't care what your pronouns are you feel like you work in the group come on in and right not only that but we're coming into it with a genuine sense of I want to know you first. And that's what's going to help us collaborate and help each other because yes it's my communities paid so when you talk about she prophets and the different Roi say my community needs to have a mental emotional and financial Roi. Mental financial and emotional Roi because when you know people when you really generally have a relationship that's when I help you, you don't even have to ask me I'm always thinking about you because you're in my circle you're my friend and when you look at the people who have these great wonderful successful lives and I'm not just talking about money I'm talking about they feel really good they have an amazing Circle. And they will often times tell you how that Circle save them or help them or push the a purge them so that's the kind of people on talking to and so the name of my community is called success Revolution Society. Because I want to revolutionize the way that we become successful together you don't need to add I mean you can do ads I'm not saying there's nothing wrong with that but you don't have to like. I think once you get to a certain level of business. People you know you get to be that expert in your space or you people get to know who you are they know the Integrity of Who You Are and that's when we want to recommend people, and you know we talked about joint venture Partnerships and Affiliates and all that stuff those are all terms for relationships but I have found my experience. Send more business to someone I know regardless of whether I'm in a formal partnership or have an affiliate I'm an affiliate partner and I can tell you there are people that I've sent business to who have no I don't get a dime for it but I feel so strongly about who they are and what they do that I'm always sending business their way and some of the potential that I have more formal affiliate relationships with their probably like she's suck. Do you believe that that's been my experience that's been the experience of my friends and colleagues that. Those relationships are the ones that have led to my best clients my best opportunities my best events by best speaking and I have found that just living in that and modeling that so much great stuff has flowed to me you would think in a month because remember I said I'd like to hit the Go Button a month ago. Prior to have people pre signed up for my membership I haven't even technically launched it yet this is my first step 3 podcast I didn't, pitch any podcast it's like these things just happen so when you are in that flow when you're truly alive and when you're living your purpose and your modeling this up and you're practicing what you believe like just amazing stuff happens so. I am super excited about this community because it feels so amazingly right and it's it's the first thing that I know that it feels right to me there are two or three other things that are also brewing in this headbutt. You know I'm just in that flow and it feels good and anyway so sorry that digress but the community's awesome Merrill Edge eyes looking for some amazing. People who. That sounded like it resonated with you I would totally love to talk to you and this is not formal I don't really do sales calls or anything I truly just meet people we talk it sounds very much like this and you'll decide whether this sounds like a great place for you or not. And if it is great and if it's not please find another wonderful place to to network and find family you know in this world. Jennifer you're so fucking awesome this is just so Ivy I'm beaming for those who can't see me I'm just being me because I live. You know been with you through this transition and. Just your energy I mean you're at it's not because you did your makeup before we got out you are really blowing. Buddy help from head to toe concealer never kill me but it's that difference though and I think for people who aren't you know are going to see the video we were just listening I know can feel it and that dear folks. Is is it like when you can talk about something. So passionately and so authentically which is another word I wish we could just find another word for but we're going with it. People get it and they connect to it without having to be, explained to or you don't have to define it. They're just like just like you said and my clients say this to about me they're like I do what Mel does for me but I just know my life is better when she's in it so there if you want somebody to make your life better talk to Mel and I love that because that's that's my whole point and so. Going back to you no stressing out about title and descriptors and offers it's that connected passion Point that's that. We'll make everything just become clear as you continue to move forward. Don't sit there and be like well now that I know this now what's the next step I need to plan not Nur just keep talking about it. I'm ready to talk about it the more you know you will receive the resources of the information to expand it to say oh nope just kidding I do want to do this anymore, like finding that space is clutch and I hundred percent agree. Those listeners please reach out to Jennifer all of the information to stalk her talk to her all of the things will be in the show notes but I am just I'm so tickled. Hear more about this I'm so honored that we are on this journey together that you shared space with us today and. I'm just so so grateful is there anything. Alice that you would like to end with any like last words of wisdom that you did do you have any final worldly right that's that's in this you know kind of, traditional Curry I do I can't stress enough there's a few things that have been coming to my mind as you're talking about I won't one. Break The Rules like don't worry about what you think you should be doing. Take the time to really get to know you and what you want because your desires and I'm going to get off my Little Panda to my God tangent here, your desires are from God or the universe or whatever whoever spiritual being you want to believe in they are deep. Your desires come from God and so what you want. Two other people might seem weird or crazy or unconventional so the fuck what. It is what you are supposed to do get to know yourself so that you know those desires and then what I have been doing lately here's my strategy. I act on the action that comes to me so. Some days I've been led to you know someone the voice in my head said you need to. Go to this conference you need to talk to this person you need to do whatever and I take that action because it's aligned with the desires that are inside of me. And so when I have operated that way and let me tell you how hard that is for the Strategic Titan boring so many things have come so for example I said. I need to be speaking more I feel good when I speak whether that's podcast or stages or presentations I did a ton of public speaking in my previous career, and I've been holding back on investing on this one public speaking like boot camp thing which is honestly in Chicago and then we should hook up then when I go yes so I'm like oh man but it's a cost this much where's this money going to come from and I'm like you know what Jennifer, you need to be at this thing so I signed up for it you know what happened three days later. Someone randomly contacted me on LinkedIn and said I'm looking for a speaker for a Regional Conference. And yeah and then they're paying me and everything and it's right in my backyard so it's like all these leaders from multiple States, in my hometown and she reached out on me and LinkedIn because I'm putting that energy out there because when God gives you those desires you start to follow them. And then he moves the resources to you, and I think that's another thing that you demonstrate so well and you and I had a private conversation but you're like you know what I just going to offer this and people come in and they get it and I was so worried about money because I'm a parent I have a mortgage I have all this other stuff but guess what. Even though during the very successful times and the leaner times I've always had everything that I needed. Yeah my hair done and I still get my cute lipstick I still have my little dolls they got their hair cut yesterday to it we're still being provided for so I can't yeah. Live my life driven by how does this make money I have to stop and say who am I what is my purpose what am I supposed to do what are my desires and what is it that I'm being told to act on and then act on it. And should happen it's awesome it is so cool so I work less I learn more. I get more opportunities my way without even you know the way I used to like try so hard so no take I mean yes their strategy their things and there's there's a place for that but there is equally a place for. Really knowing who you are and tapping into that spiritual side of yourself learning and end just listening to your gut I always say the gut that's coming from some yeah. It's real so listen to it damn it and go and do your thing. Yeah yep okay so for those of you who are nodding and guessing and saying all the things is you're driving or doing the dishes or what have you. Everything to connect with Jennifer is in the show notes so don't worry you will not be you know left with all this excitement with no resources and not how I roll. But thank you thank you just so thank you for. Stepping in being you sharing what you have shared today because I know for sure conversations like this do not happen very often. On Spaces like this and this is why I wanted to create a space so we could have these stories shared and I'm just I'm just so so honored to know you and to be a part of this journey with you so thank you for spending time with us today Jennifer thank you all for listening and we will catch you all next time thanks girl all right folks once again thank you so much for listening to this epic episode all of the resources and links connected to it will be in our show notes located on our website more than, stop bus if you like this episode which I would be shocked if you did not go ahead and hit that like subscribe review and share. Also remember that this episode and all others have been made possible by Financial contributions and support from listeners like you so if you would like to hear more stories of how epic humans are more than just pop on over to our GoFundMe and make a contribution. Also don't forget to follow us on Instagram at more than just podcast thanks again see you next time. Music.