More Than Just: Conversations with Misfits, Entrepreneurs and Change-makers

More Than Just a Content Creator — with Amyna Love

Mel McSherry Season 1 Episode 13

Today, I’m joined by the infinitely talented Amyna Love, multi-passionate creator with an ever-growing list of talents, including singing, playing instruments, writing music, dancing, and painting. Together we talk about the flow of living life as a multi-passionate creative.

Tune in to hear us also discuss:

  • Being a true Gemini
  • The beauty of finding a therapist that is in tune with the way you’re trying to grow
  • The energy domino effect that sometimes starts with a trip to the salon
  • Letting your timing be your timing


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Music. I'm your host Mel mcsherry on this podcast we share how we are more than just descriptors and titles that identify us and our lives our. And our. In the safe common room space you'll hear stories of success and Lessons Learned From Myself and other Misfits entrepreneurs and change makers. My intention is to inform connect and expand our knowledge so we can be mentally emotionally and financially profitable as we create the change we desire. My promise is that from each episode you'll take away not only inspiration and a connection to someone you never knew before but also the encouragement the action steps and the support so you can create what you want. Music. Hello everyone welcome back to another episode of more than just a my name is Mel mcsherry and once again so excited a and that you are here to listen and, be so excited to have MS Amina love on our show today now I met Amina, add an event that was hosted by forward which is for women and diversity, and the minute she walked in the room I just felt this energy around her and this connection to her and then when I got to know her a little bit throughout the event. I walked up to her right afterwards I was like yes I would like to have you on my podcast please because you are amazing and I know that there is. So much more than just what I saw in that day so welcome I mean I thank you so much for taking the time to hang out with me today. Thank you I'm really excited I always love to start off this conversation with this question and the question is MM you know what do you feel is your main title or descriptor and how are you more than just that. Well it's changed a little right now. I think my main title or descriptor is content creator mmm no. But I am clearly way more than that that's funny I had somebody tell me today. You do too much shit I was like yeah you know I do have a short attention span, so I know a little bit of a lot of things, you know outside of music and social media I paint time make jewelry all right so I dance I play pool really well. You know I do hair like it's whatever any opportunity to make something. Generally I'm going to be interested so yeah I love that you already touched on that because I meet so many and work with so many amazing creatives who get. Pressure right to like pigeonhole themselves because it's either. A business development person told me it's a quote-unquote niche down or you know to your point people like man like how. Will you just do too much what is like how do you kind of. To Matt out and really just lean into the fact that you are a multi inspired creative person while in my experience the easiest way. To introduce something new to someone is to combine it with something they know so for me introducing my dancing skills and my editing skills and my painting skills are what have you I try to combine them, and that's one of the reasons why content creation has been my thing because it's one of the places that I can, easily put a lot of my no house together mmm. I love that that's exactly what I thought is lie I tell my clients and friends as well as like find that common theme right what is that. Connector that you can put together to show others why this really does make sense because it does because it's yours right. Right so I when I met you at the forward events if you are one of your will you were the only but you are the entertainment of the day and, I know so just a little bit of transparency for the listeners we had already recorded an episode with him you know earlier this year, and we had some technical difficulties which I honestly think was the universe going no no I mean it has more to her story you need to re-record but what initially drew me to you Mina is you know how. Much you just pour into your music and the more that I have let's face it stopped you on social media the more that I see that. And I know this word is used so much but that authenticity for you like I feel like I really do. I know you and see you have you always been that comfortable showing that much of yourself, haha no it's very interesting that you say that because I actually feel like I show very little and see what I'm dealing with on a daily basis but it's been a it's been a long road, to not caring what people think about me because growing up that was all I cared about the approval I used to have stoves with my sister, for the family in the living room just for the the Applause you know what I'm saying like straight A student I would cry if I get a B you know what I'm saying I was about that life so people-pleasing has been a very difficult habit to break. But is serving me well is serving me well for sure because it is allowing me to authentically create. Instead of worrying about what people are going to like and that's for you. Do you mind kind of going a little bit deeper into that story like what was your if you can remember maybe there maybe it was it built up of moments but what was kind of that first. Key to unlocking this you don't give any Fox anymore or at least at least not as many fucks anymore. Yeah I think it started when when the pandemic hit to be honest like. When you are required to go out into the world and you know be in people's faces masking becomes a regular part of your day but when you're at home it's like. You know I'm I'm the kind of person that has conversations with themselves saying. I was I was having so much alone time and self-reflection that I was kind of having some cognitive dissonance with. My job you know and wanting to stay there because it was like I love the children. I love music and this is easy you know what I'm saying but I'm in a place where, so this is hard to say but it's like I'm in a place right now where I have to be honest all the time I was losing my zest for wanting to live it was a tricky place to be in at the time. And having that conversation with him always helps because I talked to my parents and of course. They're always going to we don't want you to financially struggle don't quit your job but it's like. What's going to make you happy figured that out and do that and of course it was me quitting my job you know yeah that next year was it was full of turmoil and change and. You know just metamorphosis very uncomfortable whatever and I'm still kind of in the middle of that but I'm settling into knowing the changes happening and being okay with it hmm. But man like that was the place I was malnourished I was severely underweight I was drinking a lot. And we were at home you know what I'm saying so it's like all of this is happening. I'm imploding so I'm not out in the world I can grab me my house see you. Edge's it I don't know where if I was if I was the kind of person that was Money Motivated I don't know where I would be right now hmm because, I'm not gonna lie not having that job has significantly changed my clothes in your life you know but I am happier and I feel like that is far more important hmm, I couldn't agree more I think. Yeah definitely I mean covid for all of us has shifted many a perspectives and have brought. Many of things to the surface that we never gave ourselves the timer permission to really, set with I definitely you know I'm with you on that like the personal shifts that I made for myself and the last couple of years and saying no to things that. On paper look like the right next steps right but internally it was just like no no no no. And having to like. Not only explained that to others but explain it to yourself like did you ever because I have these moments where I would literally have like a debate with myself, yeah outwardly vocalizing like a pros and cons list like did you ever kind of have that moment yeah I listen fail people I'm a true Gemini really a mature Gemini do you know why it takes me so long to make decisions because it's like you know what about this what about do that could do this and it's like I'm always playing both sides, stressful sure mmm but I feel like it allows me to be objective. For sure and it gives you those. Pause has right to not like instantly leap into something because one part of you says yes like its I'm such a big believer in the full body hell yes no matter who you are whatever your last astrological scientists are human designers or whatever it's that full body hell yes that we are looking for and yes we have moments of that the maybe you know built up so that full body but there are so many times that I think this is such a, reprogramming of past preaches from people of like you know if you're uncomfortable all that's just that's just you pushing outside your comfort zone like that's good like you should push through it or hustle through it or whatever, and I really think that does a lot of us disservice because we're making decisions off of that initial feeling. No matter who we are again going back to you know no matter your astrological sign or your human design all of us need to have that pause, really see what is the real thing we're saying yes to exactly, so I love that you and your multifaceted fist is shown so lovely and your social media all of the like he's at all the different passions all the different things that you do was there kind of one that, unlocks the rest or have they all been kind of outlets for you that now. You maybe I don't even know if this is the right question but now that you share more or now that or did they come along because you realized how they are connected to each other I don't know if that question makes sense well yeah I understand well. First the my first art form was dance hmm when I was a child I used to dance with an African dance company. And that was kind of my first introduction into seeing art hmm what I'm saying bully. So I guess I can say in order because they were very close the my primary 3 as a younger person. Dance singing and then, visual art drawing mmm because my father and my grandfather that actually runs in my family being able to draw my grandfather it's cold okay my grandfather is called they look like, printouts of black-and-white pictures and he was really good and my older sister and my older brother they're really good at it as well it's interesting because it's I think. I'm not sure if my cousin really does that my cousin I leaned on my father's side, she might be the only actual visual artists in our family mmm but just about everybody on my father's side has that skill but yeah so dance, singing singing my mother is vocalist my father vocalist to quiet as it's kept but he plays drums as his primary instrument okay, so they put me in dance because I guess that was it was a simple thing to do but I think I was drawn to sing, hmm so dancing was something that was introduced to me but my mother is vocalist so I kind of just. It was like I want to do that hmm and I wanted to be a soloist so kindergarten that was my first debut. Kindergarten graduation I got singing solo love it what was the song Do You Remember I don't it was a Destiny's Child sighs oh man, that's awesome it was it was it now now I couldn't have been because I had to be in like sixth grade for that anyway. It doesn't matter how scary they have a picture of me standing on the stage with the microphone in my hand, and I make this look at the camera like I'm about to do my thing yes girl you know and it's like I'm five but I knew I was cold when I was five which is very interesting. Hey friend like in the episode Pretty epic isn't it. Well guess what this episode and all others have been made possible by financial support and contributions from listeners like. So if you would like to continuously here how these epic humans are more than just go ahead and head over to our GoFundMe and make a contribution cool. All right let's get back to the magic as time went on it's when I think about it. It seems like one art form kind of introduced me to another while I started I guess my father kind of gave me piano, so that was kind of following him around the desk eegs but my interest in it, hey when I went to high school and John concert choir and there was this cute cute little girl. She's older than me but she was smaller than me just adorable okay she could really really play piano and she was the the student accompanist hmm and I don't know I wanted to be like her. And so I you know took an interest in piano and that somehow led me to jazz bands because a friend of mine. Needed a keyboardist So Random he needed a keyboard is to play In a Sentimental Mood for one of his recitals okay that's a bonus and I learned it. You know but boom now I'm singing jazz which is great because that's what I grew up with. And I guess Jazz the music thing they were all kind of connected on campus and college see I'm moving very far or very fast here again. But yeah I guess it was just kind of the proximity of the Arts always kind of being in the same places yeah that's what I think about it and High School. The art Department was in the same building as the music department and my art class was across the hall from my course class so I would always see them coming out with projects and stuff, I didn't have to take that class but I took it in like some was fun, same thing college with oil painting I took that class twice I enjoy I enjoy making things I love it, you and I have very similar beginning of the fact that I also grew up in a very musical household, both my parents were music Majors my father plays trumpet and piano my mom sang to musical theater also plays flute, I have an older brother, yeah I have an older brother who is I mean he's been playing piano since he was six he's one of those people and I don't know if you are as well so no shade so those people were he can hear a song and just like learn how to play it in instantly it's a little ridiculous like and it doesn't matter what instrument if the piano a guitar and he also has Perfect Pitch which of course he does but I grew up in that as well as like music was my first I was my mom put me in dance so dance from age 6 to 18. And then I started I was very shy and so I started coming out of my shell and singing more in church we were I called my ourselves like the mini Von Trapp family like we would all do you know course it's at church we do song service and special music and all that stuff but singing was kind of that first, space where I could express myself without the stress of using my words mmm. Yeah yeah and it was like that first emotional Outlet right and then that turned for me into theater because then I could use somebody else's words and somebody else has seen. Two. Get out whatever I needed to get out and it was that shift from using everybody else's words to really trusting my own when I you know moved forward as an entrepreneur and as a speaker that was really really interesting. Shift like I know that you write a lot of your own music which is so beautiful was that. Always an instant outlet for you like what if you have been what was kind of your progression of learning how to. Utilize your outlets and how to really utilize them as as yours well I guess it's a combination of things as far as writing goes. It was a poetry thing for me hmm. I found out at an early age that I shared a birthday with a famous Chicago poet Gwendolyn Brooks hmm and you know. Seven eight I'm pompous about it imma be a poet too you know so I guess that was my, the beginning of me learning how words flow together and how they affect emotions and things like that hmm, but in terms of me figuring out how to express it in a way that is authentic to me I feel like I'm still learning that because, same yeah what I know in because I'm learning how to play a few instruments now what I know about learning new things is that you have to mimic before you can. You know create your own because you got to learn your way around mmm you know so. I guess for writing wise I do feel like I have a style now because I've been writing for a very long time. Which is just like why don't I know music hell yeah this it's more than writing but in terms of like composition and. The aesthetic on stage. You know the way that I want the music to sound that is currently in Metamorphoses mmm, so yeah it's it's hard to say yeah. And I think it's always in Metamorphosis I'm even thinking of some of my you know favorite creatives musicians that I've been listening to for. Years upon years upon years they have it's kind of like what we were talking about and beginning like you have so many outlets that you have this Common Thread between them right then how you utilize them and how they hit certain spots and you and I think the same applies for win. You are a musician like your your sounds might change or the way that you you know just are your style might change but the. You are still there right there still that like anchoring feeling of people can still listen to you no matter what style or what you're saying and go oh yeah that's that's Amina for sure like I could take her out in a heartbeat. Yeah I feel like that's budding yeah like that element in me is budding now what do you think is helping you. Grow that and Bloom that Isley what I'm taking in just in terms of my surroundings. And what I'm watching YouTube is like my best friend YouTube yeah. Because I love to watch live performances that's really what I enjoy the most I'm not a studio person people always talk about Studio. I don't like to hear my voice that closely I like the whole you know I want to hear how it all fits together you know. The last performance for me is everything and I like to take the time to. Pick out the elements that resonate with me the most and tried to you know duplicate them and then at that point it's like well. What do you hear because for for me I try to allow my creative process to remain as organic as possible I don't ever want to force the song force a lyric or you know what I'm saying well I'm trying to say this it's like whatever I'm trying to say is going to come out and I just can't let that fellow. Well you mentioned you mentioned before we actually started recording that. Self care has become really a parrot you and I know that term is used a ton and I think covid put that on top of a lot of our plays but what what has been quote unquote self care for you. The very basic most basic level, it's been taking care of my body simple things like getting my nails done regularly making sure that I have my do my skincare routine every morning I do a little bit of yoga, before I dry brush and shower, I listen to wind this is my new favorite thing to do now I used to recite affirmations but sometimes that gets tedious, my brain that's easily distracted I listen to affirmations now there's this money affirmation, it's like sometimes you wonder whether things work but it's like I'm not going to question it because the money is starting to flow Okay so, yeah but like those kind of things just kind of starting my day right getting myself in the place where I am I feel moisturized and I'm you know I feel like I look good that kind of thing, but that also therapy. Amen okay people I just I hate the stigma that comes with it because it is so useful when you find somebody who is really in tune with how you are trying to grow. Man the lady is a lifesaver she's really been helping me. You know align my goals and you know focus on. The things that I would like to do is opposed to things didn't happen in a regulated my emotions all of that is very very important, and it's a maintenance thing you know not like oh I'm going to go to therapy once every 3 months it's like I'm trying to at least see her bi-weekly. Because things happen yeah you know and you don't want to tell everybody everything, nor should you yeah I don't think I don't think I should be part of our responsibility that we have to inform everybody at every second of examine the fuckery that's going on inside exactly yeah so that is a major major thing, spare me and then lastly the experiences but I just say that as a whole because it's not always just music, McAllister that I find spaces where I know I'm going to have fun, and make the choice to do that regularly whether it's Dave and Busters or going to a concert you know what I'm saying yeah you know finding my favorite smoking buddy is like, I have to make sure that I make room for joyous experiences so that I already have the balance, when life decides to do something weird because it's going to and it it's made a huge difference because, earlier this year we had the first interview I had way more tear-filled days than smiling ones and. They weren't didn't always have anything to do with what was happening it was just like I wake up and look at myself in the mirror and be depressed like you know oh my God you look crazy but you don't have any energy to do anything about it hmm. You know, I'm happy to be past that I'll say the first step to getting to that was therapy do hmm once I started talking to my therapist and working through some of the emotional blockages I was having it energized me just enough, the go to the hair salon nice no and yeah like it is it's a domino effect after that you do one thing that makes you feel good you want to continue to do. Things that make you feel good yeah. Yeah I got charged it yeah cuz and I love and that's I'm so glad that you're bringing this up because so often we. Use the good things as rewards for hard work right leg, we go oh well let me do this and then I can go get my nails done or I can go hang out with my friends or I can't it's like, you don't even know if you're gonna have a baby I don't want to sound like morose or anything but you're not guaranteed that time after I'm guaranteed the right now exactly so why not start off your day or why not start off your healing process your path whatever with something that makes you excited so you have the energy and the insight, to like you said get through when the universe is like okay here's that little bit of a shit storm just to you know like Mica we establish things like we have so much. We have we have access to so much inside of us to help us through what gets thrown at us that but that doesn't mean that, we are programmed or designed to do it alone exactly like you need to have, those Outlets because you know healing is not linear it is, circular as fuck and I always I always laugh with either I have you know a couple of different Outlets I have an amazing therapist I also have two fantastic spiritual coaches that I realize, and it's so funny when I will. Hit a new level of healing and first it's that like no I've been here like I already did this like why why am I back at this point again saying this again or feeling this again, and every single time one of the three are possibly all three of them will be like well because this is now the lower-level like so congratulate yourself that you have done what you needed to do, to be mentally emotionally prepared to get to the roots like get deeper inside of the problem and the heaviness of it isn't always going to be at the same, or even just that the process through it isn't going to necessarily be the same tenacity that's that it was before, but it really is starting off of okay what can I do take care of me so I do have the energy the know-how the capacity, to go through this because the only way out is through like yeah. Do ya. So I know that you have been working on. Some amazing things so I actually kind of want to go back to you mentioned when we first did our interview where you were and what you were working on I would love to hear and I would love for you to share what, have you been working on what has come forward like what has been the product I guess of this of this cycle for you. It's been a bumpy one yeah when a bumpy one but I finally feel like this is actually from happen and I'm excited. Mixing and mastering is done I did a fundraiser over the summer yeah pay for it and. Family show up okay yes they do the true of full show that ass and I really appreciate it, it's like if any of y'all listening okay y'all real wants a really but yeah I for so mixing is done I got a couple more notes to send him. And then I'll be shooting for album artwork. It's January first That's so exciting yay. All right at the same event that I met you at just to kind of shamelessly plug one of our sponsors you met Molly, yeah have data and it your headshots Ami nah they are amazing to see, this is awesome I have to say she is really awesome because I don't consider myself a very photogenic person are you kidding me especially when somebody else is holding the camera absolutely not I'll be, she was really able to to calm me so that mmm things could get done. Those shots came out so gorgeous like I was really feeling myself. Are you can tell and I say him when I worked with a meter kinda I would I work with Molly it was the same thing of like Adam the selfies of like okay but it's different when you. Yeah when you have somebody else taking pictures and you kind of want to put that it's almost like going back to the earlier in our conversation of like, masking and you know wanting to like present that I'm all okay and that I'm you know got my shit together and she is so fantastic I just. Not only relaxing you but. You just feel like comfortable to where you can be yourself and your I mean your pictures are just so so so amazing and. Feeling that energy from you is the exact same energy I felt from you the moment that I met you at the forward of that the captors she did that. Yeah well as we're coming to a close is there, anything that you I feel like the common denominators they've all there's probably a couple that have been popping out to me as we've been speaking of one of them is, the courage and the connection to be multi passionate and that's more than okay and to really leaning into. Not only the self-care that puts you in the right mindset to continue move forward but also to find that true support that builds that motivation even more but if you could kind of, wrap up if you could so if there's anybody that's listening that is in this I like to call them hallways I don't know if you've ever heard me call that before. So anybody else has kind of in this creative hallway and I feel pressured to do X Y Zed to produce ABC. What would you say to them I would first say take the pressure off yourself. Take the pressure off of yourself because your timing is your timing try to rush it. The universe is going to put you back where you supposed to be okay so you know take the pressure off yourself. Allow yourself to enjoy the process to enjoy the journey find what you love about it. And lean into that and the other things will begin to happen and I wholeheartedly believe that even though I'm in the middle of it I wholeheartedly believe that you lean into how you love it and it's going to love you back, I definitely needed to hear that today so thank you so like nothing no bullshit I definitely needed to hear that today so thank you so much for sharing that thank you so much for sharing your time and your energy with us today, all of the things that you could ever need to stock Amina if you're listening to this episode after her album is out we will have the links to that as well so everything you need to be more with Amina and her amazing awesomeness will be located in our show notes but thank you once again Amina for, not only showing up but stepping in and being a such a beautiful creative person, all right everyone have a lovely rest of your day and we will catch you soon on the next episode. Music. So much for listening to this epic episode all of the resources and links connected to it will be in our show notes located on our website more than, stop bus if you liked this episode which I would be shocked if you did not go ahead and hit that light, describe review and share, also remember that this episode and all others have been made possible by Financial contributions and support from listeners like you so if you would like to hear more stories of how epic humans are more than just pop on over to our GoFundMe and make a contribution. Also don't forget to follow us on Instagram at more than just podcasts thanks again see you next time. Music.